
Journeys into Consciousness Show 6 - What is the Akashic Records, Halls of Learning, UFO Disclosure
By:Guest: Gregory Haye
Date: Wed,05 Aug 2009
Submitter:Host: Ian Jones
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In today's show Gregory discussed in detail what the Akashic Records are used for and how they relate to our soul journey here on Earth and across the universe.
Does the Akashic records contain our future?
Where are they? what is their connection to the Hall's of Learning.
How do they work? Where are they?
Gregory also discussed his perspective on past lives and regression and how most memories can be linked to souls on a same loving wave length as us within our soul groups.
At the end of the show Gregory discussed:
The knowledgeable work of the Melchizedek group as well as the OPAC group.
The importance of discernment when channelling or reading information as their are negative agenda's being played out by not only negative spirits but also negative E.T's. There are 500 species within our neighbourhood, some good and some not so good, so we have to be very careful what we choose to read. Positively oriented beings will not break our free will, however those of a negative polarity whether human or extraterrestrial will seek to take our power and free will. We also discussed the recent quote from astronaut Buzz Aldrin who recently quoted the following on record:
"We should go boldly where man has not gone before – fly by the comets, visit asteroids, visit the moon of Mars. There’s a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that, they’re going to say "Who put that there?" Well, the universe put it there. If you choose, God put it there."
Gregory confirmed that the monoliths do actually exist and Buzz is speaking the truth, he also confirmed them to be on Saturn's moon, Titan also. We spoke about the need for Disclosure on the UFO subject and Gregory agreed that the time is now right for Disclosure to happen and should happen, there is no reason anymore to cover it up.
We will aim to dedicate a show to this subject next time.
To find out more about their work please visit the sites below.
Readings with Gregory
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