
Journeys into Consciousness 35 - WikiLeaks, Euro Debt Crisis, Higher Self, Oversouls, Soul Planets
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Wed,01 Dec 2010
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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Topics discussed: WikiLeaks, European Debt Crisis, Higher Self, Over Souls, Free Energy, Akashic Records for Plants, Planets and Insects, Door Keepers, Soul Groups.
WikiLeaks and European Debt Crisis
If you have been following the news over the last year, you would have been witness to the previously released documents by WikiLeaks, touching on sensitive subjects as the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Moving forward to November 2010 we now have the disclosure of embarrassing diplomatic communications between world politicians and diplomats. On the surface it would appear that WikiLeaks is part of the long awaited "Truths to be Revealed" energy that many spiritual channellers, seekers and truthers have been eagerly waiting for.
The next set of documents will apparently reveal how some of the big banks have been misbehaving, no surprise there, but to see that in writing could be Earth shattering. I for one really hope WikiLeaks is truly part of a disclosure campaign to bring transparency and accountability so the good citizens of the planet can walk forward in a more honest and just world. However, I do have my doubts, where perhaps good information is mixed with disinfo to forward one particular group's agenda.
With this in mind, I thought this would make a great topic of discussion for the start of the show. So playing the Devils Advocate role, I grilled Gregory on his view of the WikiLeaks release and the current European debt crisis.
The show was also based on these questions sent in by our listeners.
Do plants have soul groups as well? And if so, does this apply also to lesser plant species such as grass?
Do plants have doorkeepers as well?
Is it possible to belong to more than one soul group at a time?
So humans and animals have an akashic record, but does each galaxy, universe and even entire physical dimension have its own akashic record?
Do plants have an akashic record as well? What about insects?
If not insects, then do insects have spirit?
1. If someone is incarnated on Earth (or elsewhere for that matter) is it possible to speak to their ‘higher self’ via a medium and if so would the incarnated person be aware in any way of this conversation?
2. Some people describe there being 2135 (human) soul groups associated with Earth, then each of these groups contain 144,00 Monad groups, each of these has 12 over souls and finally each of these has 12 individual souls giving over 44 billion individual souls associated with Earth (some incarnated and some not). Apparently within these different levels one can be more or less aware of the souls therein depending on various factors. Can Gregory confirm his understanding?
3. Some people say that you can get 'free energy' from water to power produce power e.g. to power vehicles either via a 'Joe cell’, a 'Stanley-Meyer' cell or Bob Boyce's work amongst others. At first sight this seems to violate the laws of thermodynamics - can Gregory elaborate on whether these cells can actually produce free energy? If they could it clearly would be a big help for the planet and to counter peak oil.
And much more...
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