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Fairies, Being in the Heart, Concensus reality, Jesus, Gay and Bisexuals
The first eight minutes of the show Gregory gave us a very interesting insight into the workings of the white cloud group, the group he is a spoke person for and who as a collective are responsible for the information brought through in the shows. We have also included info about the group at the bottom of this synopsis.
Being in the Heart
Gregory discussed the topic of Love and Being in the Heart and a further discussion around Greg Braden's work linking Heart based emotions to affects on the Magnetic fields of the planet.
Excerpted from Greg Bradens' Fractal Time.
"Following the dicovery that the satellites had recorded spikes during events of global focus in the past, such as the death of Princess Diana and 911, the factor that seemed to connect the readings was clear: the indications pointed to the human heart. Specifically, it's the heart-based emotions of the world's population that results from such events that seems to be influencing the magnetic fields of the earth. What makes this discovery so significant is that those fields are now linked to everything from the stability of the climate to peace between nations....Among the new findings are two discoveries that give new meaning to what the satellites showed us on September 11, 2001: Discovery 1: It is well documented that the human heart generates the strongest magnetic field in the body, nearly 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain. This field creates a doughnut-shaped pattern that extends well beyond the physical body and heart. Data suggests that this field may be so large that we end up measuring it in miles; however, it's beyond the scope of the equipment used to detect such fields. Implication: The heart's magnetic field responds to the quality of emotion that we create in our lives. Just as the intuitive link between feelings and the body seems to suggest, positive emotions increase the physical balance of hormones and heart rhythms, as well as mental clarity and productivity. Just as inuitively, studies show that negative emotions can influence as many as 1,400 biochemical changes in the body that include hormonal imbalance, heart-rhythm chaos, mental "fogginess", and poor performance"
Breaking down concensus reality
We discussed the topic of concensus reality which is very much shaped by the mainstream papers, magazines and news which is affecting how people treat each other. I asked selfishly if financial collapse would give us a chance to reboot the system?
Life of Jesus
We discussed the events the actually took place in Jesus's life confirming the core story to be true, however most of the positive teachings were removed from the bible around 500AD as a form of control.
We had a wonderful discussion on Fairies thanks to a listener's question below:
"Gregory has previously mentioned that he marvels at the beauty of flowers in the spirit world and often talks to them. My question, 'is it wrong to buy cut flowers from the shops as they have been cut from growth. - also do the fairies stay with the flowers once they have been cut."
Is being Gay or Bisexual wrong in the eyes of God?
Another great question answered by Gregory via this question:
"My question is that in the light of the recent death of Steven Gately, I was wondering why some people come to earth either being gay or bisexual, could it be because they come from a soul group that are neither man or woman, and as it says in the bible that its wrong to be that way, how do spirit people really feel about it over there, and is it still thought of as being wrong? I cant understand why god would send people to this earth plane with feelings of that nature if he thought it was wrong to be that" way.
About Gregory and The White Cloud Group
The White Cloud group use a spirit being called Gregory to channel the groups messages via medium Mick Avery.
He is the spokesperson for a collection of highly evolved minds who are under the guidance of 'White Cloud' who is a Shining One. White Cloud was a notorious Cheyenne who lived on earth many hundreds of years ago, and he was a Shining One even then. It was through Gregory's endearing personality and wonderful communication skills that he was selected and asked to be the representative for the educational White Cloud Group.
Mick Avery has been channelling them for a decade now through their international work on SpiritWorksRadio. As an interviewer and spiritual researcher, Ian Jones came across their work in early 2009 via his own tierless work at website to help bring knowledge and spiritual wisdom interviewing various guests on the Podcast show. Listening to one of the shows it appears Ian was also chosen to do this work.
The White Cloud Group are an educational group who offer us answers to the worlds problems. They bring their observations and converse in a down-to-earth way that anyone can understand and are completely open to debate and questioning. In fact, they welcome such interaction; feeling that it is only through dissemination of information that mankind can make necessary adjustments to their ways of thinking.
Because of the massive scientific background and eminent minds of the White Cloud Group, they are able to go way beyond the constraints and limitations of our human minds. They have answers to our quantum theory puzzles and the mysteries of our world, which have been so far unexplainable. They consist of scientists, physicists, alchemists, geophysicists, medics, scholars of all description, plus ordinary people who are trying to be of assistance by showing us how we can become in harmony with each other and all things and, consequently, save the planet.
The topics of discussion are limitless. They speak about life after death and, of course, the details relating to the mechanisms behind paranormal events and etheric world communications. It is not set in monosyllables from beings telling us to mindlessly follow what they say or what anyone else is saying. They discuss and explain their concepts, views and visions, not from a religious viewpoint or tradition, yet are undeniably elevated, but without ego.
It is freethinking and empowering interactive conversation from those who are watching over us, who care about us and our planet and understand what we are going through. Who understand the need to create a peaceful and stable world.
Knowledge exists to share so all may benefit.
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