
Journeys into Consciousness 33 - Future Predicting, The Awakend, Earth Tilt, New Gulf Organism
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Wed,27 Oct 2010
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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Today's guest is spirit being Gregory Haye and The White Cloud Group. Answer's brought through via deep trance mediumship by Mick and Sylvia Avery.
The show was based on the following questions kindly sent in by our listeners.
The Awakened
What is the percentage of people with awakened consciousness versus the beings on earth that don't even know they have the power to do good for themselves and other?
New Organism in the Gulf of Mexico
Belatedly thanking you for asking Gregory questions on seal deaths, animal mutilations, Ets- and which of them to trust etc- ; Just wondered if you saw the thread on Godlike productions regarding the Gulf of mexico oil spill- which Duncan Roads of Nexusmagazine has been following- who is a very grounded, good researcher with great integrity- the thread suggests that there is a cover up that was leaked reliably, stating there was a new organism lately found in the Gulf area, ( and elsewhere) -the oil leak so called- covered up gulf submarine activities- subs from every country were called in- -'an organism not of this world' - a quote; See volume 17 number 6 of Nexus magazine-. It was also on Radio Out There with Barry Eaton, and Duncan the other week
Predicting the Future
I would like to inquire about the time factor in relation to earth-time-matter and astral-infinity-ether. Given that there is free will, and given that the future is malleable by present conduct, how is it that some clairvoyants have prognosticated future events, situations and inter-personal as well as intra-personal developments, exempli gratia, the future budding of love within a heart, and in regard to an event, to the collapse of a market. Is it simply a hypothesis based upon probabilities or is spirit able to adjust its vibration so as to dip into future sequences of 1 and 1 and report back? Is it a combination or is it neither?
October 13th UFO's over New York
Many blog posts linked the sighting to a book published by a retired U.S. Air Force officer which said that October 13, the very day the sighting happened, would witness ‘a massive UFO display over the world's principal cities. Many New Yorker's were stunned to see a Jellyfish shaped object appear in the sky and split off into various smaller objects. Soon after the event was reported on various main stream news sites, a school teacher suddenly came forward and claimed the objects were balloons brought into the school by a parent.
Has the Earth changed its tilt
A new documentary recounts bizarre climate changes seen by inuit elders. The elders discuss how the Sun is no longer setting in the same part of the sky. Perplexed, they contacted the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration for answers, but experts said this was impossible.
Most startling for the filmmakers, though, was the Inuits' belief that along with pollution and environmental changes, caused mainly by Southerners, the Earth has actually changed its tilt. The filmmakers kept hearing this theory in different communities. Perplexed, they contacted the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration for answers, but experts said this was impossible.
When the filmmakers presented some of their findings at the Copenhagen conference on climate change last year, the media picked up on these views of the Inuit subjects, film co-director Ian Mauro says, and alarm bells started to ring in the scientific community. We had a litany of scientists come back to us, responding after seeing this news, saying, ‘This was great to be speaking to indigenous people about their views, but if you continue to perpetuate this fallacy that the Earth had tilted on its axis, [the Inuit] .... would lose all credibility.' And so there was really this backlash by the scientific community.
Still, the Inuit insist they see changes in the sun's course and the position of the stars in the night sky. These elders, when they were growing up, they were told to go out every morning, before having anything to eat. They were told to go out at the age of 5 every morning to observe the weather, Kunuk says. So when they started talking about the sun and the sunset, I was puzzled too. Everywhere I went, each community, I was getting the same answer: The sun does not settle where it used to. I mean, it [causes] alarm.
References for predicting the future:
The Global Consciousness Project, also called the EGG Project, is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists and others. We collect data continuously from a global network of physical random number generators located in 65 host sites around the world. The archive contains more than 10 years of random data in parallel sequences of synchronized 200-bit trials every second. Our purpose is to examine subtle correlations that may reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. We predict structure in what should be random data, associated with major global events. When millions of us share intentions and emotions the GCP/EGG network data show meaningful departures from expectation. This is a powerful finding based in solid science.
Web Bot Technology to Read the Future
Article about Google and CIA using predictive data mining tools
Science documents regarding predicting the future
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