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Summary of topics discussed:
“The Meaning of Life,” “The Self, Personality, Nature vs. Nurture, Multiple Personalities”, “Attraction and Love”, “Autism in Animals”, “Healing”, “The Cove – Slaughter of Dolphins in Japan to feed Children”, “Philadelphia Experiment”, “Cycles, 7 Year Cycles”, "Free vs. Destiny"
The Meaning of Life
Gregory gave a very simple answer to this question which was “Experience” but then followed with a very comprehensive answer relative to the whole universe rather than just answering from a human perspective.
The Self, Personality and Nature vs. Nurture / Multiple Personalities
We then touched on the topic of Self, and how personalities are defined, is it Nature vs. Nature? and also how we are also made up of our Spirit/Soul self.
Attraction – Love
We also discussed how Love and Attraction works, it’s as much a biological response as spiritual
Autism in Animals
We also discussed the rise in Autism in pets who have been given vaccinations, this raises an interesting parallel seen amongst humans. Especially as the big drug companies have aggressively denied any such links and come down heavily on anybody highlighting the issue. The following piece was taken from a recent Daily Mail article highlighting the increase in autism amongst pets given vaccinations.
Daily Mail:
Vaccines given to dogs are making them ill, a pet charity claimed yesterday.
Profit-hungry drug companies and vets are 'frightening' dog owners into inoculating their pets more often than necessary, according to Canine Health Concern.
Some puppies have developed conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections, it warns.
Catherine O'Driscoll, from the charity, said: 'We are not anti-vaccination. What we are saying is that currently our pets are receiving far too many.
'The latest scientific research shows that after the first course of injections as a puppy most dogs are immune against these diseases for at least seven years, if not for life.
'Every year pet vaccination companies hold National Vaccination Month, a national campaign when pet owners whose boosters have lapsed by 18 months or more are terrified into having their pet jabbed.
'While the vast majority of vets might simply not be aware of the latest scientific research, we are concerned that for a few undoubtedly doing multiple jabs is a way of making more money from worried pet owners.'
Puppies are vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, leptospirosis and parainfluenza up to three times by the age of four months.
They may also be immunised against coronavirus, rabies, Lyme disease and bordetella or kennel cough. Booster shots are given every year or every three or four years.
But some have suffered dramatic changes in behaviour or been diagnosed with cancer within months of the injections, Canine Health Concern says.
In a letter backed by 17 vets and other pet experts, the charity has called on the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, which monitors animal vaccines, to issue new advice on their use.
Mrs O'Driscoll, who believes cats and rabbits could also be at risk, added that a simple blood test would determine whether an animal needed a booster shot.
Richard Allport, a Hertfordshire vet who has signed the letter to the VMD, said he was 'constantly' seeing animals that had developed 'worrying symptoms' after vaccination.
But other animal charities said vaccination was vital. The Dogs Trust said all jabs were thoroughly tested for safety and warned that blood tests were not completely reliable. Its veterinary director, Chris Laurence, said a study looking for a connection between jabs and sudden ill-health failed to find a link.
Professor Steve Dean, chief executive of the VMD, said: 'Many veterinary surgeons can remember the devastating effects these once common-diseases had on our pets, their owners and families, and the huge benefit vaccines have had on improving the health and welfare of the canine population should be recognised.'
A spokesman added that the 80million-plus doses of vaccine since 1985 had generated fewer than 7,000 reports of side effects.
We discussed the topic of Cycles of energy where the drama of life seems to have different themes. We also touched on the seven year cycle that humans have where big changes can take place within the person, especially around the middle years.
We discussed the different methods of healing and how energy is used by the sender and recipient to help promote healing in the body. Also how a tipping can be reached where no healing can take place as the body is too far compromised.
The Cove – Slaughter of Dolphins in Japan to feed Children
In Japan, fishermen round up and slaughter hundreds and even thousands of dolphins and other small whales each year.
In the small fishing village of Taiji, entire schools of dolphins are driven into a hidden cove after a prolonged chase. Once trapped inside the cove, the fishermen kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears. The water turns red with their blood, and the air fills with their screams.
This brutal massacre — the largest scale dolphin kill in the world — goes on for six months of every year. Even more scandalous, members of the international dolphin display industry take advantage of the dolphin slaughter to obtain some few, show-quality dolphins for use in captive dolphin shows and dolphin swim programs.
It is commonly assumed that Japanese fishermen hunt dolphins to supply a small minority of Japanese people with dolphin meat. But unlike the expensive whale meat, dolphin meat is not considered a delicacy in Japan, and the real reason the Japanese government issues permits to kill dolphins by the thousands every year has nothing to do with food culture. It has to do with pest control. As shocking as it sounds, some Japanese government officials view dolphins as pests to be eradicated in huge numbers. During a meeting at Taiji City Hall, the fishermen of Taiji admitted this to us. "We don’t kill the dolphins primarily for their meat. We kill them as a form of pest control," they told us. In other words, killing the competition is their way of preserving the ocean’s fish for themselves.
Most likely in order to push the food culture issue even further, the Japanese government recently introduced pilot whale meat to children's school lunch programs, despite the fact that the meat is tainted with mercury and not fit for human consumption. The Japanese government and the dolphin hunters do not warn the Japanese people of this danger, although the dolphin meat should be labelled as toxic. Much of the tainted dolphin meat ends up as counterfeit whale meat in Tokyo and other large cities.
Science has established that dolphins are highly intelligent and complex marine mammals. How can "pest control" on dolphins continue with so little opposition from the Japanese people and the outside world? The answer is secrecy. Since we first travelled to Japan in 2003 to document the dolphin hunt and expose it to the world, the fishermen have become increasingly paranoid about being photographed and filmed. Today, they hide the dolphin slaughter behind barbed wire, ropes and tarpaulin. Killing the dolphins before daylight breaks, they station guards at the mouth of the killing cove to ensure that no one witnesses the blood bath.
The fishermen say they kill the dolphins "quickly and humanely." That's an outright lie. The methods used to kill the dolphins are so savage, it's hard to believe it unless you witness it for yourself. And once you've seen it, the images and sounds of the screaming dolphins never go away. The fishermen know that the world will be outraged when the truth gets out. And so, guided by their government, they hide behind phrases such as "food culture" and "tradition." They even once told us they are proud of what they do. If they had told us they were having fun while killing dolphins, we would have believed them. We have heard them laugh out loud as they were throwing spears at the dolphins and hauling them ashore with ropes, or dragging still live dolphins by their tail flukes to be slaughtered. If they were really proud of this, then why do they go to such extreme measures hiding it? Why won’t they even let their own people know about the hunt? We asked them this once, and the answer was: "It is none of their business." But it is their business. The Japanese people have every right to know about the dolphin slaughter. And they have a right to know about the mercury-poisoned dolphin meat that is being fed to their children.
Philadelphia Experiment
Gregory confirmed that the following experiment did actually take place.
We discussed the subject of the “Philadelphia Experiment” which was rumoured to have taken place in the year 1943 and later made into a Hollywood film depicting the dematerialisation of US Navy ship the USS Eldridge. The ship and its crew were suddenly thrown through time and space, with two crew members apparently popping out into 1983. Many of the crew members became tragically embedded in the ships exterior on its return.
The Story:
The story begins in June of 1943, with the Destroyer Escort, U.S.S. Eldridge, DE-173, being fitted with tons of experimental electronic equipment. This included, according to one source, two massive generators of 75 KVA each, mounted where the forward gun turret would have been, distributing their power through four magnetic coils mounted on the deck. Three RF transmitters (2 megawatt CW each, mounted on the deck), three thousand “6L6” power amplifier tubes (used to drive the field coils of the two generators), special synchronizing and modulation circuits, and a host of other specialized hardware were employed to generate massive electromagnetic fields which, when properly configured, would be able to bend light and radio waves around the ship, thus making it invisible to enemy observers.
The “experiment,” said to have taken place at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and also at sea, took place on at least one occasion while in full view of the Merchant Marine ship S.S. Andrew Furuseth, and other observation ships. The S.S. Andrew Furuseth becomes significant because one of its crewmen is the source of most of the original material making up the PX legend. Carlos Miguele Allende, also known as (A.K.A.) Carl Michael Allen, wrote a series of strange letters to one Dr. Morris K. Jessup in the 1950’s in which he described what he claims to have witnessed: at least one of the several phases of the
Philadelphia Experiment.
At 0900 hours, on July 22nd, 1943, the power to the generators was turned on, and the massive electromagnetic fields started to build up. A greenish fog was seen to slowly envelop the ship, concealing it from view. Then the fog itself is said to have disappeared, taking the U.S.S. Eldridge with it, leaving only undisturbed water where the ship had been anchored only moments before.
The elite officers of the U.S. Navy and scientists involved gazed in awe at their greatest achievement: the ship and crew were not only radar invisible but invisible to the eye as well! Everything worked as planned, and about fifteen minutes later they ordered the men to shut down the generators. The greenish fog slowly reappeared, and the U.S.S. Eldridge began to re-materialize as the fog subsided, but it was evident to all that something had gone wrong.
When boarded by personnel from shore, the crewmembers above decks were disoriented and nauseous. The U.S. Navy removed the crew from that original experiment, and shortly afterward, obtained another crew for a second experiment. In the end, the U.S. Navy decided that they only wanted to achieve radar invisibility, and the equipment was altered.
On the 28th of October in 1943, at 17:15, the final test on the U.S.S. Eldridge was performed. The electromagnetic field generators were turned on again, and the U.S.S. Eldridge became nearly invisible. Only a faint outline of the hull remained visible in the water. Everything was fine for the first few seconds, and then, in a blinding blue flash, the ship completely vanished. Within seconds it reappeared hundreds of miles away, in Norfolk, Virginia, and was seen for several minutes. The U.S.S. Eldridge then disappeared from Norfolk as mysteriously as it had arrived, and reappeared back in Philadelphia Naval Yard. This time most of the sailors were violently sick. Some of the crew were simply “missing” never to return. Some of the crew went crazy. The strangest result of all of this experiment was that five men were found fused to the metal within the ship’s structure.
The men that survived were never the same again. Those that lived were discharged as “mentally unfit” for duty, regardless of their true condition.
So, what had begun as an experiment in electronic camouflage, ended up as an accidental teleportation of an entire ship and crew, to a distant location and back again, all in a matter of minutes!
Although the above may seem fantastic, one must remember, that in the 1940’s the atomic bomb was also being invented.
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