
Journeys into Consciousness 27 - Gulf Oil Spill Update New Cap, Listener Questions, Economy
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Wed,21 Jul 2010
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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In today's show Gregory and the group covered the following questions below, with additional questions injected from the host to dig deeper. Gregory also discussed the Gulf of Mexico oil spill at the end of show, where he raised concern around the new cap to stem the flow, apparently this is building up extra pressures that are now allowing fissures to open up on the sea floor which can spread the leak.
Question 1:
"Thank you all for the program, I love listening very much. I am a healer practitioner. When will things get better, Gregory. Everyone I talk too! Seem to be in turmoil and things happening to them shootings, stabbings the news also full of it. L & L "
Question 2:
"I have been a healer for many years, love my work and love my healing guides. I would so appreciate understanding how to improve my ability to 'converse' with my guides so as to improve my intuitive sensitivity and improve my ability to be a vessel for healing. Could Gregory please suggest a way to break down a little the barrier between an instrument such as myself and spirit guides."
Question 3:
"What fate lies for Europe's economy now we are coming out of one of the deepest recessions for many decades?"
Question 4:
"My question today is: Although I realize events are "fluid" and mass consciousness plays a role, what is the likelihood of a planetary "axis shift", and if there would be a dramatic shift is there a chance we would enter a "parallel earth r
eality" while this is happening?? Any insight would be helpful. I ask this as I know in various places there is a storage/keeping of seeds in huge vaults as if some governments are expecting something huge to happen, as in huge natural planetary shift that will wipe out food sources for awhile."
And much more...
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