
Journeys into Consciousness 28 - Spiritual Growth, Life Review, Clones and Soul, Chemtrails, Healing
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Wed,11 Aug 2010
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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In today's show we covered the following questions sent in by our listeners. Please use the comment box underneath this page to send in any future questions.
Topics: Is spiritual growth through pain necessary? : Do clones have souls?: Chemtrails real?, Healing questions: Oil Spill update, is it fixed? : Do we all choose this life before we are born? : Life Review, Recompense and Reconciliation with other entities.
If we are in the physical life for growth, then why is growth so painful and most of the time we get more pain (emotionally) than good?
Do spirits choose the location and circumstance of their life on Earth before they are born?
Is the BP oil spill fixed now as the US government are now suggesting that most of the oil has dissipated?
When people such as Richard Dawkins, and others state everything we experience is due to our brains, and we are just gene machines, what would Gregory say to someone such as Dawkins to convince them we are not deluded by thinking ourselves eternal?
Also with reference to Dolly the sheep where does the soul of something artificially created come in?
Has Gregory told us yet what chemtrails really are?
I have been taught that the primary purpose of healing is to touch the soul, would Gregory kindly explain about this?
When people seek spiritual healing is it for physical pain or mental anguish that they are aware of, or does their soul also have a say in bringing them for healing?
Is the purpose of giving healing to the soul to educate, to heal?
Why is an earthly being helpful in healing the soul when the healing is I assume, 'spirit to spirit'?
And much more...
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