
Journeys into Consciousness 18 - Time Travel, Crop Circles, De Ja Vu, Aura, Spirit Privacy
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Wed,17 Feb 2010
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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We based today's show around the following questions taken from our Facebook community and comments posted by people visiting the site.
Thank you to those who took the time to send in questions as they formed the basis of a very interesting show.
Time Travel
We also discussed paradoxes, the complexities of Time Travel and multiple time lines.
Crop Circles
We discussed a recent documentary called "I Believe in UFO's" with Danny Dyer who visited Wiltshire to meet believers investigating the crop circles and skeptics who claimed to make them. Gregory agreed that there are three groups making them, humans, Spirit (Orbs) and E.T.
Topics discussed: The Aura and Colours, Cell Memory, Akashic Memory, Mischievous Spirits, De Ja Vu, Time Travel, Privacy from Spirit, Crop Circles, Positive and Negative spirits.
Questions below:
"The healing group with which I work has tended to think that it is not right for us to venture into finding out now what is contained within our Akashic records - i.e. that we should do our best to learn, love and advance ourselves on the earth plane in ignorance of the contents of those records. Would Gregory kindly comment on whether he feels that is our business to know the contents while we are on earth, whether it is right or indeed advisable for us to know and act upon the records' contents. Thank you."
"What does it mean when a person sees certain colours and the person becomes one with the colors in a trance like state?"
"I'd like to ask about de ja vu ..please? "
"Can any one help? i often get cold parts around my body..ie top of arm/s back of legs..back/neck..how do you differentiate between good spirit too and not so good spirit..i have some not so nice experiences and whilst mopping the floor last night i had some one/thing try tugging my jumper, many a time when sleeping or should i say just going to sleep when i get the feeling that i am being shoved or shaken..as if they don't want you to sleep...i protect my self with the gold ray of Christ and invoke Archangel Michael as well as asking my gaurdian angel for protection..some night i am woken so frequently i feel incredibly tired..where am i going wrong?
thanks heather xx"
"On several occasions I have had who I think is my husbands grandfather prod me in the back when I have overstepped the mark with my comments in an argument with my husband. I know I have 5 spirits living with me but feel they are trying to stop us moving now, I want to know how to reassure them that they are welcome to come with us where ever we go, but they seem to be blocking the viewings. and playing around with the phone line. both land line and mobiles in the house. I have a problem with my phone mobile that is in the centre line of my house it cuts out can anyone explain if this is a vortex."
"I'm sorry if my naivety offends anyway, but i would like to ask if our spirit guides are with us at all times,what about our privacy..ie showering and bathing,its a question my children ask all the time,as they are aware our passed over family are with us but,know bath times are private things.?...."
And much more..
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