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In today's show we discussed the following topics:
The Financial Meltdown
Are we really coming out of the recession as the media would like us to believe or are there more problems on the horizon?
Big Foot
Contrary what most people might think, these beings are extremely advance and loving. They can be found across the Pacific North West in America, Canada, Mongolia, Tibet and many other places around the world.
They are a sub species of human which was part of the original stock going back 5 million years ago. They haven't really changed much since then but continue to be very spiritual and in harmony with mother Earth.
They can dematerialise at will and move in to an overlay reality which allows them to disappear from harms way in a fight or flight situation. By increasing their vibration they can shift themselves just enough to no longer be visible within our field of light. They can still see this reality from their higher vantage point but are no longer in it.
They can communicate through telepathy.
They live for about 150 years
Their emotional makeup is loving and harmonic.
Life on Earth
Gregory touches on how life started on Earth initially with microbes and various minerals being brought here from the collision of another planet and what is now our moon. Gregory said that there are lakes larger than Galaxies containing life moving through our universe. Life on Earth has also been manipulated along the way by other cosmic beings. This accounts for the different branches in the Human species along the way.
Reality / Dimensions / Spirit World
Gregory discussed the many levels of reality through different vibrations.
What the spirit world is actually like.
Different physical realities of a higher nature where beings live in a much more loving and harmonious way.
How dimensions can collide with each other in different places and cause aircraft and people to cross over to another universe.
Depressions can build up that cause a portal to open up. We discussed an event that happened where a 727 and it's passengers actually dropped off the radar for ten minutes with no visible sighting from the ground during this time either.
When the plane landed, all the watches and clocks were out by ten minutes. Gregory confirmed that the plane actually moved in to one of these time clouds and crossed a dimensional barrier. Luckily for the passengers and crew it also returned.
Different cycles of Human on Earth / Atlantis
There was another more highly advanced spiritual race here around 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Rather than being very technical in their sciences as we are, their methods were more based on spiritual science. They had magnificent abilities, especially around architecture and human expression. They had the most beautiful structures. Sadly they were lost to severe Earth changes at this time.
There were other advance beings around this time as well, that lived all over the Earth. These beings were around 3 feet in height.
We discussed what dreams are and the different types
Working Dreams - Working in spirit while living on Earth
Dreams as Mirror - Each person in the dream is an aspect of yourself
Prophetic Dreams
And Fear Based Dreams
And much more...
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Readings with Gregory
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