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When I lived at my mothers house in Yorkshire. I used to hear noises which sounded like footsteps on the landing upstairs. They used to stop outside my bedroom door. I looked out of my bedroom door and couldn't see anything, and no one spoke to me. My dad died when I was twelve, and I wondered if it was him. But because I didn't see anything I put this idea away and just thought of it as creaky floor boards. These noises went on for years.
In time, friends who came to stay over, used to hear the noises as well, and said they thought it was someone else in the house, even when there was just the two of us. One night, a boyfriend staying over, woke me up in the middle of the night, very worried, he whispered to me, that there was someone stood outside the bedroom door which was nearly shut. He thought a burglar had broken in and come upstairs and was standing there.
I whispered back to him that there would be no one there, and that the alarm hadn't gone off either. Opening the door to my bedroom, nothing could be seen. We were both relieved, as this had worried and slightly frightened us both. Another friend, said that they had heard people coming into the house in the night, and talking to each other, and coming upstairs. He was worried because the thought they were going to come into the room he was in on the other side of the landing to mine. I told him that no one had come into the house, and there was only the two of us in it. He was astounded, he had heard all this and fully believed there was some other people in the house. I had heard these noises before myself, as well, it sounded like people coming in the front door, talking to each other and talking as they came up the stairs. You couldn't see anything, I used to look.
My mother heard these noises as well. After three friends told me on separate occasions about what they heard in the house, I decided that it was more than noisy floorboards, and that it was probably my dad walking on the stairs, and other relatives who had passed on, coming into the house and talking to each other.
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