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Reiki life energy shares are where people come together to give and receive life energy in a group. This is conducted in lying on tables, or sitting in chairs. I usually have Reiki life energy sitting in a chair because the table is uncomfortable for my back. At a share, we have introductions, and talk about anything that has been going on for ourselves and to do with Reiki. Then group distant healing, some people write names in a book for this, but I don’t do that. I ask the group to say the names of the people they want to send distant healing to out loud, at the beginning of the session. Then we meditate for distant healing.
Then after this, there is group guided meditation. The facilitator guides the group, to meditate together, sometimes with a lighted candle to look at the flame, but you don’t need to focus on a flame, or anything else to meditate. The group is asked to put their hands in the gassho position which is like a prayer position. Then, I ask the group to close their eyes to meditate and give instructions. Further instructions are given, more specifically, about breathing, and concentration. And then we have some quiet time meditating.
After the meditation, I give everyone an empowerment. This enables a deeper link to life energy. And also, it can encourage healing and assist someone’s spiritual journey. Then we give and receive Reiki life energy, by taking it in turns. Where one person sits or lies down on a table, and the others stand and place their hands on that person, or hold their hands a bit away from them. One time at a Reiki life energy share I was at, I had my hands gently holding one lady’s feet, and I felt the energy go upwards, so I raised my hands upwards and held them up. At the end of this lady’s session, she said that she had felt the energy in her stomach area, which is where my hands were facing as they were held in the air.
When everyone has had a turn of being given reiki life energy by the others, we all thank each other, and I always feel more relaxed after a reiki life energy share, it helps to reduce any stress and worries, that I may have that week.
As a Reiki life energy Master, I offer Reiki life energy shares at your own home, for your family or friends. It is fine if your children want to take part as well. If they are under 18, you would need to sign a consent form, that you want them to take part in a meditation and Reiki life energy share. Also, of course they would need to be able to sit quietly, for periods of time. So, I could come to your house to do a Reiki Life Energy share. You invite people depending on who many you can seat. And to give Reiki to each other, there needs to be a chair where people can sit comfortably, and others stand around it. I have a cd I bring, for back ground music. And all you need to provide the participants to drink is water.
I also conduct Reiki life energy shares at venues in the Wakefield area. Sheila Williams 07954192916, please ring 9 am to 9 pm. Do call for individual appointments as well, training in levels one, two and three, and personal distant healing,
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