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In this power packed 40 minute podcast show we caught up with Chris Bourne from Open Hand Foundation to talk about their enlightening new documentary, 5 Gateways.
You can listen to the interview by pressing the play button above. A list of the interview questions are posted below. Do check out the video as well afterwards. Further details at the bottom of this page.
Topics covered in the movie:
- Five Gateways is Openhand's Core Philosophy. It defines Humanity's evolutionary journey of Enlightenment and Ascension into a higher energetic paradigm here and now all around us.
-Five Gateways is a revolutionary Routemap which although has been followed by spiritual masters throughout the ages, is only now finding its way into our collective consciousness.
-When fully understood and integrated, Five Gateways can 'diagnose' where someone is at on their journey, help remove energetic blockages and catalyse our next evolutionary step.
The world is undergoing a very turbulent evolutionary process. As the very fabric of our society crumbles, a new paradigm is unfolding all around us founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The question is, how do we join it?
There are many paths up the spiritual mountain, for each of us the journey will be unique. Yet we are all influenced in very similar ways as we pass key 'altitudes' on route to the summit. Understanding these transitions can remove much unnecessary suffering in our lives and catalyse our next transition.
Five Gateways is helping people around the world make sense of exactly why our lives are taking the twists and turns they are, it's removing much unnecessary fear and anxiety. Above all, it is inspiring and catalysing a quantum leap in our consciousness
In association with "Smiling Dragonfly", detailing the five key expansions of consciousness on our Journey of Enlightenment and Ascension.
Can you kindly give us a brief background about yourself, why you are doing this work and what has driven you to produce this very slick and thought provoking documentary?
There seems to be two distinct awakening movements on the internet. One path being predominately spiritual where the seeker is following the path of ascension, unity, well being and enlightenment. The other path is where the seeker wishes to share information that exposes corruption through what many call conspiracy theories. How do see these differing approaches fit together and are they part of the same process with regards to a shift in consciousness?
Many new spiritual beliefs seem to tell us that we shouldn't read newspapers or get involved in the drama of life as this will hold us back with our ascension. Some people listening to this may wonder how moving our gaze away from the people who seek to destroy the world through greed and control will suddenly become loving and benevolent if we simply ignore them. If we change our mirror, will this eventually change the outer mirror of the greater reality?
Why is the Earth going through many physical changes at the moment with the perceived increases in Earthquakes, turbulent climate patterns and the potential for food coming food shortages?
What can humans do to prepare spiritually and physically?
How did the idea of the 5 gateways come to you?
Is it possible to lead an enlightened life if we are constantly distracted by work and lack of money?
Is Ascension an ongoing process or an event like the recently prophesied Rapture?
How do you see multi dimensional beings fitting into the picture?
How do you see the world in three decades from now?
Do you have any advice for people who are seeking on the internet?
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