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Today's guests are Psychic Medium Philip Kinsella, a guest on one of our previous shows talking about his outstanding book "Believe, a ground breaking theory which bridges the gap between the psychic and UFO Phenomena" and researcher Brenda Butler. Philip returns to the show with Brenda, live from Rendlesham forest to talk about their up and coming new book which chronicles UFO sightings before and after the 1980 UFO crash landing in the Rendlesham forest back in 1980 along with other ground breaking mysteries, including contact with an Extraterrestrial visitor known as David Daniels. Rendlesham forest has become well known as the UK's Roswell.
Brenda is the voice and guardian of Rendlesham Forest, and was instrumental in bringing the case to the public’s attention.
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Philip Kinsella is also featured in the 2010 Autumn edition of
Eternal Spirit magazine.
Through my own investigations, I have been privileged to meet with Brenda Butler, co-author to 'SKYCRASH: A Cosmic Conspiracy,' which was published by Neville Spearman in 1984. Through our meetings, discussions and night-vigils within Rendlesham Forest, I have seen an incredible amount of research material and data which Brenda has collated well over the thirty year period of the actual UFO sighting by American troops and British civilians back in 1980. This led me through a world of disbelief and wonder. There is a lot of things which people do not know about Brenda Butler. She is a celebrated researcher and investigator. She takes very little credit for her work. This is something I was astounded by. But there is something which is fact. Brenda is the voice and guardian of Rendlesham Forest, and was instrumental in bringing the case to the public's attention. Lest we forget through the media machine that without Brenda Butler - Rendlesham would have remained inconspicuous on Britain's map.
This book is a testament to her life and work and the subsequent research she has amassed with regards to the most famous UFO case in Britain. What will become apparent is the psychic link which people have missed with regards to the UFO sightings and reports by others who have lived in the vicinity of Rendlesham for years. These reports were snubbed by the press an

d media machine completely. But why? This book will also detail the case of the Reptilian man known as David Daniels who had come to Brenda for unknown reasons, and of those who tried to miss-lead her down very dark and lonely roads of non-truths. The photographs she has taken are breath-taking. The people she has linked with through her own investigations are incredible. Together, with her niece Beverly, (whom she has taken under her wing to further aid in the research of the forest), they have unravelled a true Cosmic Conspiracy - and one very few know about. Of course, throughout this book, there will be those who will not believe, preferring only to accept the rational, nuts-and-bolts viewpoint of what has been happening at Rendlesham. The events are on-going. UFOs are still seen there, and a blanket of ignorance is implemented in order to silence those that know the truth.
Having written several books on clairvoyants and UFOs, I decided to focus my energies upon the Rendlesham case. While I was doing my own line of investigations within the forest, little did I realise that Brenda herself was doing exactly the same thing. As you will discover, our paths were meant to cross for a very important reason, and one in which still astounds me. What I have discovered regarding Rendlesham only fuels my determination to get the truth out there.
The book will cover new incidents like the shingle street mysteries, the intriguing personality of man wanted by the FBI, and Scotland Yard and who asked Brenda for help. There is a question if this man was a spy or indeed an extraterrestrial, who seemed to pocess non-human abilities and the theories regarding UFO sightings before and after the 1980 UFO crash landing in the rendlesham forest back in 1980.
Believe by Philip Kinsella
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