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Chrissie Batten,
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master/Teacher,
Thinking about my writing today, I became aware that my words are coming from my mind. Okay, so it’s not my ego mind, and is my higher mind most of the time (I hope). But today I wanted to write something directly from my heart space. I don’t know what I’m going to write until it emerges, but let’s just go with it anyway...
I want to say that regardless of how tough things are at the moment, hang in there!
We’re going through a transitional crisis that’s likely to become more intense. But this process is leading us to a better place in life. One with less struggle and animosity. Where instead of spending our time fighting ourselves and each other, we have the energy to focus on our creativity, and use it to re-create our lives for the future!
We’re not alone in this process, as we’re receiving help from the highest source of intelligence in the universe. That work for the good of all, including mankind!
But if you give up hoping, trusting and living, just because it’s hard going at the moment, you won’t feel the consequential benefits of this transitional stage, once it completes, as it must!
I want to hold you energetically and console your pain. I want to encourage you to believe there is more to your life than you ever believed possible. I want to convince you to stay strong and steady, as you ride the stormy life experiences that are abounding now, caused because of energetic forces that manifest evolutionary change.
Most of all I want to help you understand that this life is not all there is. There is so much more at our disposal, that we can use, to help ourselves find a way to cope with our pain and fear, our worry and anxiety!
We have it all inside of our energy field, inside our own mind and heart. But we can’t access it because we’re afraid of one thing or another. This process is about that! It’s about helping us discard our egotistical cloak of protection that stops us feeling how we want to feel, and becoming all we could be.
As I focus on my heart centre, I can feel the energy pleading...’Please believe you can cope with the future’. And whilst I know this is my heart communicating with me, because I’m feeling vulnerable about my life challenges. I also know my soul wants to help others like me, who are feeling a bit wobbly at the moment, and this is why I felt compelled to write this post.
When we can’t see a positive way through our dark challenges, we believe there is no way forward, that life will always feel this bad. But we can’t see or know everything can we? We don’t even see our own motivations most of the time, so how are we expected to be able to comprehend the mechanism of a simple, yet complicated-to-us energy force, that supports, sustains and develops all life? A force we try to fit in with our human understanding. A force we try to limit, because of our inability to allow ourselves to expand and go with the flow!
So there we are! A message from the heart that is trying to encourage the belief that all is, and will be well. And we can cope with what life throws at us – as long as we remember that life is about learning through our mistakes!
I feel better now that I’ve released some of the repressed passion inside, that intensifies during periods of high anxiety. I needed to hear this reassurance from my soul! I can’t control everything and everyone in my life, any more than you can! But I listened to my heart today and felt consoled. What about you though! What is your heart saying to you today?
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