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We have been forced to spend a lot of time in our homes in recent months in what has been a difficult and trying time. We all want our “home” to represent a “safe place”, giving us a sense of safety and security against Covid-19 and the outside world. However, spending so much time at home can bring its own challenges.
Our homes are energetic spaces and we can sense the vibes of a room or property just by entering it. Energy can build up inside, for example from fears, worries, isolation, depression, arguments or feuds with neighbours. This heavy energy can get stuck in the corners of rooms and can create a sense of unease or unrest to the occupants.
Children can become particularly sensitive to the energy in homes, because they don't get to choose the home they live in. It may be an energetic match to the child's parent or care giver's energy, but not necessarily to their own. Also as children have just come from the Spirit world, they are much more open to their intuition and psychic senses and can pick up on denser energies and negativity that may be there. This can lead to them having sleep issues, avoiding going upstairs or certain rooms on their own, disliking the dark or having “imaginary” friends they talk to.
When I carry out Property Readings, I check for a variety of negative influences, such as Earthbound souls, negative thought forms and anger spears. I also check the specific energies being upheld in the property, so my clients know which thoughts and emotions they have been creating or upholding that are creating negativity for them, so they realise what new action they can take.
In a Property Reading I find out if there are any objects charged with negativity. This can be from all sorts of items, such as when I informed one of my clients that the window and light in her bedroom was causing her negativity, she confirmed that she had had lots of difficulty with getting and fitting curtains and blackout blinds to get it how she liked in order for her to sleep well.
Or the client who had office chairs causing problems at her work. Or my client who had a wedding present from her marriage which had ended creating negative energy for her whenever she looked at it.
Another client had a boiler that had ended up charged with negative energy and she confirmed that it was because she had had lots of problems with it.
You see objects hold energy too. So remember to thank your white goods and other inanimate objects you use – gratitude and appreciation will help them work well for you!
The good news is that you don't have to get rid of these objects, or do anything drastic, as I carry out clearing work in my Property Readings through their Akashic Record and the negative energy that's been put on these objects is neutralised.
I can also check whether the land that the property has been built on has ever been a sacred site, burial site or religious site as these can adversely affect the property and occupants until it is cleared.
Many of my clients can immediately feel the difference in their property after a clearing.
Properties that can be cleared:
- Your place of residence, whether owned or rented
- Property you own that you rent out to others, and it is currently unoccupied
- Your holiday home or second home (if you are there or it is unoccupied)
- Your business premises
- Your vehicle
- Your child’s residence if they live elsewhere (if they are under 18 and and you are their legal guardian)
If you feel that your property would benefit from a clearing, contact me for a Property Reading. I am offering a discounted price for bookings made by the end of September.
with Love and Light
Louise x
N.B. Property Readings are carried out remotely and either a written report can be provided or a phone or Skype call to discuss my findings.
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