Tue,11 Jun 2024
You are the embodiment of life, death, and beyond yet it is often forgotten that everyone is of the mind, body, and spirit and all three facets are equally and totally reliant upon each other to suppo...Read More
Thu,30 May 2024
From a spiritual perspective, genuine and authentic happiness is when your mind, body, spirit, and your soul are at one with life. This can happen on its own accord, or you can create such an alignmen...Read More
Thu,30 May 2024
Psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, empaths, intuitive, etc., all belong to one of the oldest professions in the world, that of the “seer”. A person whose senses enable them to act as a conduit between t...Read More
Thu,22 Dec 2022
Endings - take away the emotion surrounding them and woven within anything, and everything to do with living and life, and what you should have left is the crystal-clear clarity and understanding that...Read More
Mon,22 Nov 2021
The five kingdoms of living things found on the earth together with all other life forms within the universe materialise from the vibrating energy of cosmic consciousness. Therefore, you are an intell...Read More
Mon,22 Nov 2021
A Celtic aeon, the triple goddess is an ancient divine, trifold being containing three separate goddesses, the face of the Maid, the Mother, and the Crone. Each one of the three goddesses represents a...Read More
Sat,27 Feb 2021
Stress exists because it instigates continual change and is, therefore, an integral part of life itself, it affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. Because you can’t escape stress, from...Read More
Tue,11 Aug 2020
Shaped by culture and the environment the spiritual practice of spellcraft is found throughout the world, and its popularity has been steadily increasing since the 1950s. These complex formulae compil...Read More
Tue,11 Aug 2020
Spirituality is a human phenomenon, whether realised or not, everyone has had either a secular or religious experience, and psychics are a by-product of it. Psychics have come a long way since the Vic...Read More
Tue,11 Aug 2020
Your true state of being is that of a Light-being, which is forever active within the fifth dimension and above. As such you are an infinite, perfect beam of higher conscious intelligence of electroma...Read More
Tue,11 Aug 2020
Benjamin Franklyn said there are only two certainties in life, one is taxes and the other is death. Yet, there is a third lurking beneath the surface. We’ve all wondered or asked at one time or anothe...Read More
Tue,11 Aug 2020
You are of the mind, body, and spirit and all three facets are equally and totally reliant upon each other to maintain the balance and harmony needed within to face the inevitable challenges you meet ...Read More
Mon,10 Aug 2020
From a spiritual perspective, whether the virus was man-made or not, COVID 19 is a global event of our own making thereby enabling its consequences to be repurposed by Spirit to assist human-kind to a...Read More
Thu,21 Nov 2019
Psychics belong to one of the other oldest profession in the world, that of the “seer”, a person whose senses enable them to act as a conduit between those on the earth plain and spiritual beings who ...Read More
Tue,26 Jun 2018
Pushing the Boundaries –
An Introduction To Intuitive Intelligence Gathering
Reliable, up to date information is a valuable resource that can help you to succeed in life. It enables you to make in...Read More
Tue,05 Jun 2018
Elizabeth Francis is one of the countries leading psychic-mediums and intuitive business consultants with an international client base, reading for people from all walks of life. Psychic since birth a...Read More
Sat,02 Jun 2018
For most of us, finding our higher purpose in life, least of all carrying it out, is hard work despite the fact we are told that what we were born to do can be found in all aspects of life. As a conse...Read More
Sun,04 Feb 2018
Held in Callington Cornwall every 3rd Tuesday of the month as from the 20th February 2018. Arrive 6.50pm for 7.00pm start prompt finishes at 8.30pm prompt. All those interested in working with Spirit ...Read More
Tue,28 Nov 2017
This video explains the difference between working under pressure and working under stress and walks you through a mental exercise that can help manage stress in real time by manipulating your 4th Cha...Read More
Tue,28 Nov 2017
This video shows you how to simultaneously reposition all seven Chakras to help you deal quickly with the symptoms of an anxiety attack in real time. ...Read More
Tue,28 Nov 2017
This video tells you how the TMC videos can help you manage life's challenging events in real time. If used at the onset of a stress or anxiety attack and other emotional disturbances, they can help y...Read More
Fri,29 Jan 2016
You are continually being all round bombarded and/or infiltrated by waves of invisible cosmic energy. These waves include the energies such as dark matter and which are not picked up by the human sens...Read More
Tue,15 Dec 2015
I do not know how many times I have been asked by Spirit to tell my clients its time for them to let go because the times are too numerous to count. However, the measure of how difficult letting go is...Read More
Sat,28 Nov 2015
Knowledge of self combined with spiritual environmentalism and processed by an open mind. These are some the keys used to unlock the gene associated with becoming an enlightened human being. The gene ...Read More
Thu,19 Nov 2015
As a professional psychic, I am often presented with the challenges that walk hand in hand with the issue of personal development. However, what I can only describe as the after shocks that occur as a...Read More
Tue,27 Oct 2015
The Spiritual Purpose of Personality Traits and Clashes
We have all been there, where we meet someone who, for one reason or another has rubbed us up the wrong way from the very outset, and sometim...Read More
Thu,14 May 2015
As a professional psychic and medium, I assist my clients by passing on the guidance and information I receive from Spirit on their behalf concerning the problems they experience with a view to findin...Read More
Wed,13 May 2015
The power of three is a universal power that transcends culture, creed and language. As a species our brains find it easier to process up to three elements of anything, whether it be whether it be col...Read More
Sun,10 May 2015
In part one of this article, we discussed the past life connection between those who died from starvation during the three holocausts that took place in the 20th century and the epidemic of eating dis...Read More
Fri,08 May 2015
The mindset of reincarnation as far as the individual is concerned is now well established within the human psyche. We know that as individuals, we are the sum total of our past lives and hold within ...Read More
Sun,21 Sep 2014
Well all know that relationships are complex when it comes to finding the person we wish to spend the rest of our lives with. However, the one common denominator that we all have is a yearning or need...Read More
Mon,08 Sep 2014
From the Spiritual perspective, love is spirit and since we all carry Spirit within us, we all have the ability to love. We use the word love to describe how we feel about someone or something that gi...Read More
Fri,29 Aug 2014
We all have a deep inner yearning to know what our purpose is in life. Although our lives have a purpose on one level or another, finding and understanding what it is can be a bit of a challenge. The ...Read More
Fri,01 Aug 2014
I would like to introduce and invite you to “Help Make A Ring Of Prayer.”
This project is dedicated to the setting up of a self-sustaining ring of prayer that encircles the earth. The Ring is made th...Read More
Thu,31 Jul 2014
Over the millenia, we have developed various divinationary tools, the purpose of which enables us to interact and work with spirit at a level we would not be able to do so others. When used responsibl...Read More
Sun,06 Jul 2014
The easiest way to embrace your Saturn’s Return is to use the seven times table, but to find out why, we must first frequent ourselves with Saturn itself. As most of you will know, Saturn is the sixth...Read More
Sun,06 Jul 2014
Experiencing synchronicity is apart of our everyday lives and it is one of the commonest ways in which we interact with Spirit.
Synchronicity is the flow of two or more causal events in time and th...Read More
Sat,05 Jul 2014
From the time we are born, we receive messages from Spirit via our invisible friends. These messages no only help us live our lives, but also enable us to die well. Our invisible friends interact with...Read More
Thu,13 Oct 2011
“Gift – From Spiritual Wealth to Financial Wealth” provides clear, detailed information and explanations that expel many of the myths that surround established spiritual concepts. It shows how to deci...Read More
Fri,24 Jun 2011
GIFT: FROM SPIRITUAL WEALTH TO FINANCIAL WEALTH delves into the realms of psychic phenomenon, knocking down the myths that stop people developing their abilities and providing step-by-step guides to h...Read More
Tue,23 Mar 2010
The understanding of metaphysical vibrational energy is still in its infancy, hence the confusion and scepticism in many quarters concerning its many of its functions. Fortunately, this is not the cas...Read More
Tue,23 Mar 2010
Radionics isn’t new but it isn’t often seen in mainstream complementary therapies – though it’s certainly appearing more and more. As a technology-based healing tool, it had evolved over 90 or so year...Read More
Tue,23 Mar 2010
The healing qualities crystals has been known about and used for aeons and they are now form an integral part of vibrational energy healing. Although records show that the Egyptians were the first to...Read More
Tue,23 Mar 2010
As we all know, Angels are Beings of Light, which have been apart of the human psyche since time memorial. Angels have, over the millenniums, formed an important archetype, which continues to provide ...Read More