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The greater part of being in knowledge is not to know where everything is going but to be open to a possibilities and ideas of a nature that has now been written yet, to be open enough to allow your great minds to explore all the aspects of your physical existence … like you ability to imagine … how to use your intuition… how to put into practice the knowledge that you are aware of in ways to help and access the greater picture, so that others can also learn from it.
Acknowledge your feelings about all things in life and about your own inner self even if you do not want to look…accept that you all hold all these feeling the good ones and imagination and the bad negative ones , they are there to remind you that you are human and are living on a planet of contrast but you can choose to work only with the positive and understand that the negative is there to show you about your positive inner self and learn to distinguish between the different ways to live in harmony with these contrasts.
Learn and know that your intelligence is big part of this world of feeling along with the emotions, intuition, imagination, and consciousness.
Become aware that you are all sacred souls acting out in a world of polarity and contrast but the key to this is you also have free will that gives you the option to decide what you want to do for yourself and not the follow blindly.
Turn off the media for a week and see how you feel when you are sitting in the silence of your own thoughts.
Find out what they are, look at the fears that are holding you and see that they are given in a way that makes you do the things that maybe are not right for you.
Do it slowly, sit in the quiet for half an hour… give yourself that time to be within you own space.
You do not have to meditate on it, just make yourself comfortable and turn everything off for an amount of time that is right for you, be in this moment and breath in the silence and feel its presence of light flowing with in your physical body.
Find the comfort in the quiet silence of your super mind that is within everyone of you if you give it a chance to let its voice be heard above all the babble of the third dimensional media lifestyle, make it a time for you and your own personal moment of joy and love for yourself.
The new year is upon us and the energy is very positive when looked at in this way… you might feel that the world is in suffering and it is but to heal these things on a grand scale you have to start with yourself before any others… make sure your own house is in order and balance and is able to think clearly about what you want out of life before you can efficiently affect others situations and people on this earth.
Look within and ask yourself the questions, who am I? where am I? why am I here? what I am doing.
Give yourself a true answer.
Dear light souls know that you all have the ability to bring about these changes in ways that are acceptable to all comers, just keep on being in the moment and knowing that what you do from now on is why you are here… who you are and what you are doing with the love of the light that is coming into earth now.
The expansion in this year will be great for you and all who are connected to your and our teachings.
Be love light and most of all happy.
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