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Dr Kevin Ross Emery
The sacred “I” is essential to our personal power. It’s where our integral selves align with the Divine and the collective unconsciousness.
The sacred “I” is a place with no right or wrong. It’s a place of decisions and actions. Often, they can move us harmoniously forward. At other times, they keep us where we are or add distance to the journey.
Living in the sacred “I” is to live in truth, each and every moment. It’s accepting that truth changes. Genuine integrity must be based on truth that is mutable and always open for questioning.
Many things happen as the self evolves. Perceptions, belief systems and externally-driven versions of the world… all dissolve. Truth shifts.
Truth symbiotically creates growth. In turn, growth recreates some truths while discovering new ones.
At times, this can result in a temporary, internal shutdown. It can be similar to the blue screen of death, while the individual reboots reality.
Therefore the sacred “I” — of and in Integrity — is the willingness to live the truth of the moment. We must live them actively, in the moment, as honestly and forthrightly as possible.
Some truths seem to not change. They become like bricks and create a foundation for our reality. With that stability, we can launch ourselves into greater, deeper and more complex truths. This is good.
However, now and then, we must question each of the bricks. Its truth must be retested within our ever-changing reality. We must always be willing to exchange old truths, if necessary, for truths that fit better with the person we have each become.
Truths — and selves — are mutable and must change to evolve.
However, integrity is immutable and never changes. Genuine integrity is the action of living, expressing and being in our truth in every moment.
The power of integrity lies in the simplicity of “what you see is what you get.” What you get is who the person is at that moment. With that knowledge, we can accept and place a person in an agreed-upon role within our life. Or, we can reject the person.
Either way, a person of integrity brings what he or she says.
Whether we agree or disagree with it, that person serves as a catalyst in every interaction with the world around them.
That’s the double-edged sword of welcoming these individuals into our lives.
The power of what they bring is the illumination that comes with all truth. It helps us to better see who we are. It shows each of us what our own truths are in any given moment.
A person who lives in integrity helps others. He or she gives us the support and strength that we need to live in integrity ourselves.
By discovering the sacred “I” and living within that truth, we choose our paths and how quickly we progress along them. Affirming our own integrity, we recover our personal power.
Sometimes, whether it’s comfortable or not, you will attract these vital catalysts into your life. At other times, you are that individual in someone else’s life.
Each is a sacred role, and supports the evolution of the self.
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