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The Universe is full of unlimited abundance
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." Alexander Graham Bell
The Universe in which we live is a wonderful place. Full of beauty and mystery. It is also incredibly powerful, and ever creating and evolving. It’s not often we think about what a powerful Creator the Universe is and, in addition, that we ourselves are made up from the same energy of creation. As the Universe expands, so too do we expand. As we expand, so too does the Universe expand. Just like in Hermetic Law: As above so below. As within so without.
Bearing in mind this powerful ability to create, expand, and evolve, why is it, do you think, that we limit ourselves in what we try to create? So you probably all have heard of the Law of Attraction (i.e. what you think about and focus upon, you attract into your lives) and many of you will use that to manifest into your lives all the things you want (or unconsciously attract into your lives all the things you don’t want because that’s what you’re thinking about!). But here’s the thing…. How much do you really trust the Universe to send it or something better to you? So often I hear of people aiming to manifest something quite small because rather than something that they really want. For instance, someone I spoke to recently was trying to manifest for herself a weekend away because she felt she needed a break. I asked her “why not manifest a week or more?” “Oh no”, she replied, “I couldn’t do that because I can’t afford the time off”. Do you see how limiting that can be? If you’re going to aim to manifest these things you must trust the Universe to bring you everything you need to make it happen. If you really want at least a week off work, then go for it – the Universe really will provide you with everything you need to make it happen.
However, all too often we get stuck in the “I can’t do that because….” And, if we’re really honest, “It’s too big for me to really manifest so I’ll make do with something smaller”. That’s like your mother telling you that you can have the whole day to play on a Saturday but you say “Oh no, I don’t deserve that I’ll just play for an hour”!!!! The thing is, you can’t “bank” the time you don’t use for use later… you need to grab the opportunities as they arise. Sure the Universe will always send you more, but why keep yourself in a place of hard work and tiredness? It’s a bit like saving for a rainy day…. Which can be helpful. Unless you never spend that money for fear of the rainy day.
It’s key to remember that the Universe is limitless. Which means there is enough for everyone. Repeat this to yourself again and again (for the rest of your life if necessary!) until you believe it. Not everyone wants the same things or the same experiences because we’re all different. But even if we want similar things there is enough for everyone. The Universe will never run out. Plus it actually wants you to experience joy and happiness in your life, and so it will do whatever it can to bring you what you focus upon. It’s job is to create and evolve, and we, as extensions of the Universe, also create and evolve. In order to do that the Universe provides everything that we need. Our only job is to allow it into our experience and keep on creating, evolving, and experiencing.
So back to this long weekend then… why not, when manifesting something, say to yourself “I want this or something better”. What if we are limiting ourselves to the long-weekend when the Universe is thinking “Ah but I was going to send you two weeks! Ok, if you only want the weekend, so be it”.
Nothing is too big for us to manifest for ourselves and our experiences. We just need to trust that it will come to us, know that we deserve to receive it, and feel good about actually receiving it. We need to be in vibrational alignment with what we ask for. Remember, the moment we ask the Universe for something it is provided. Instantly. I’ll say it again, all we need to do is allow it into our experience by knowing we deserve to receive and feeling good about it.
So remember two things: “there is enough for everyone” and “…. This or something better”. Don’t limit yourself to something small when Life wants to give you something huge.
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