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A collection of Sacred songs, Mantras & Chants.
My main intention whilst writing this album was to be able to bring chanting more accessibly into people’s lives. I used to run a monthly chanting workshop & one of the questions I kept being asked was, ‘Heather, how am I going to be able to remember the melodies for the chants?’ So, I began thinking I ought to produce a CD that people could take home with them, or sing along to in the car. Why is singing so good for us? It opens up your lungs and allows more oxygen to come into your body. It lowers blood pressure.
It’s great for posture and encourages better breathing techniques. It massages the digestive system and produces ‘happy endorphins’. It basically has the ability to give you that ‘feel good’ factor!
Dr Tomatis discovered the power of chant after visiting a monastery in France. The new abbot had stopped the monks chanting. Benedictine monks normally chant for six to eight hours a day. The abbot believed that the chant served no useful purpose and that without it they could recapture that time for other things.
The monks had been using the chants to ‘re-charge themselves’ but hadn’t realized it. As the days passed they became more and more tired. A procession of doctors came to the monastery. They changed the monks' diet and sleep patterns but the monks became more tired than ever. When the abbot called in Dr Tomatis in February 1967, he found 70 out of the 90 monks 'slumping in their cells like wet dishrags'. He reintroduced their chanting immediately. By November, almost all of them had gone back to their normal activities, their prayer, their few hours of sleep, and their arduous work schedule. [1]
These chants are designed with meditation in mind. They allow you to create a central sense of peace which is often experienced by people who do yoga or who meditate regularly. The chants will also connect you to the divine energy source. The Sanskrit mantras are often the most beautiful and the language is so old, so sacred and powerful, it really does give you an instant connection to the universal energy source. Native American chants are fantastic and great fun and will fill your body with energy. Some of these will also feel very sacred when you sing them. Pagan chants are all about feeling a connection to the elements that surround us. If you can’t get outside to connect, then do it from the inside. Singing about the earth, air, fire, water and the ether is an amazingly powerful way to connect you to the earth and all its magical properties.
So with that in mind I set to work, creating an album of mantras, chants & songs. It includes favourites like the Gayatri mantra, Om Namaha Shivaya, as well as pagan ones like Evening Breeze & Tall Trees. I’ve also written some of my own sacred songs, taking my influences from the trees, increasing 2012 energies & holding the light to help with our ascension process.
I hope that you like it but above all I hope that you will use it. Use it to lose any inhibitions you have of using your own voice to empower yourself. So sing to it when you’re in the car, at home, doing the laundry etc. Sing! & really begin to embrace the ‘feel good factor’ that it can bring you.
The attached link will take you to a You tube clip of the first track from the album, Angel Invocation. It will give you a flavour of what the rest of the album sounds like.
The beautiful picture above was done by Marketa Huclova & is the cover of the album. For more on her work please email on
Heather Parker
Heather first encountered sound at an early age and studied music & drama in Liverpool to gain her BA Hons in 1996. Her love for music continued and she used her skills to teach Medau exercise classes between 2002 – 2007. In 2006 she began her training on Simon Heather’s course to become a sound healer. Simon created his own college – The College of Sound Healing and has a wealth of experience, teaching up & down the country as well as taking his knowledge abroad. Heather now runs her own monthly Drumming workshop as well as Native American Aura Cleanse sessions & one to one sound healing, reiki drum & shamanic healing.
For more information please take a look at the college website, or for more details on Heather,
1. Wilson Tim. Chant the Healing Powers of Voice and Ear. in Campbell Don ed. Music: Physician for Times to Come. Quest Books. Illinois. pp12-14. ISBN 0-8356-0668-6. 1991.
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