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Man's long long history is the history of his journey to the unknown in quest of the realization of his immortal soul, his higher self. Through the rise and fall of empires, through the building up gigantic piles of wealth and the ruthless scattering of it, through his forging of magic keys with which to unlock the mysteries of creation and through his throwing away of this labour of ages to go back to his workshop and work up afresh some new form; through it all man marches from epoch to epoch towards the fullest realization of his soul, the soul which is greater than the things he, man, accumulates, the deeds he accomplishes or the theories he builds, the soul whose onward course is never checked by death or dissolution. Mans mistakes and failures have by no means been trifling or small, they have strewn his path with colossal ruins, his sufferings have been immense; he has gone through, and is still undergoing martyrdom's in various ways and his institutions are the alters he has built to which he brings his daily sacrifices, marvelous in kind and stupendous in quantity. All this would be meaningless and unbearable if all along he did not feel the joy of the soul within him which tries its divine strength by suffering.
Mans poverty of the spirit is abysmal, his wants are endless, until he becomes truly conscious of his soul. Till then the world to him is in a state of continual flux. For one who has realized his soul there is a determinate centre of the universe around which all else finds its proper place and from which he draws the blessedness of a harmonious life. The Upanishads say with great emphasis:- " Know thou the One, the soul. It is the bridge leading to immortal being". Mans desires are many and madly they run after the varied objects of the world for therein they have their fulfillment, but that which is one in him is ever seeking for unity hence the further saying of the Upanishad, "Only those of tranquil mind can attain the soul". The real misery of man is in the fact that he has not fully "come out", he remains lost in the midst of his desires, his greater self is blotted out, his truth unrealized. All the great spiritual teachers down the ages have have taught that it is impossible for man to attain his divinity without contacting and passing through the soul, struggling consciously to go beyond the personality, searching for truth, searching for light and harmony in a dark and turbulent world, trying not to become enmeshed in chaotic emotions and working to keep a clear and focused mind, trying constantly not to be taken in by the things of the world. He realizes the truth of the saying 'You must lose yourself in order to find yourself'./ The process of soul infusion in the literature of the mystics is called the spiritual marriage. So man, to realize his own essence must first rend the various veils separating him from the soul, the inner fire. Spirituality in fact teaches the vital importance of the personality which acts as a shield against the fires of the soul and the spirit. The teachers state that their is a ceremony known as the 'knocking on the door' which takes place when a individual is ready to undertake consciously the journey to the soul, he knocks persistently when he feels he knows that he is ready to receive soul energies without being 'burnt'. By this time such a person is already involved in some form of world service, he or she is a giver of love energies and is at peace with himself. He or she lives a balanced life, has untold patience and does not know the meaning of discouragement knowing that time is short. One of the well known Masters of life has said:-" I urge each to do all that is necessary to develop the intuition and achieve illumination thus becoming a conscious centre of life giving force so that you can stimulate and vivify all those whose lives touch yours, to act as a transmitter of light in the darkness of the world".
They truly live thus are they free
who know their immortality.
The soul abides-its sacred light
shines on through "death"
forever bright./.
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