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As we move into November, you will find the we are all receiving crystalised energies to shift and clear distortion for our physical bodies on a sub-atomic level. We are entering a process of purification in readiness for the 2nd Ascension Wave which will take place on the 21 Dec 2008 at Noon. During November we will be supported in creating a new approach to diet and nutrition, for it time to stop eating for comfort or withholding of meals as a way of ignoring suppressed emotional blocks, deep within the psyche.
The energies during November will bring great healing, not only on a physical level, but also a metaphysical level and emotional level. There will be much happening within the heart, lungs, master glands and lymphatic system, and those who carry genetic weakness on a cellular level can begin to experience deep healing.
Those who have experienced painful experiences in the past, that have caused the inner-child to operate on a painful wounded basis, will begin to feel rejuvenated, as deep seated emotions will rise to the surface and seek release. You can expect emotional outbursts that normally you would hold back. Anger, fear, frustrations, will rise to the fore, but only through acknowledging them, can they be truly released. November is about healing your inner pain, and water is the elixir of life, for it cleanses and purifies not only the physical body, but also the energies of the body thereby promoting and supporting the healing process.
Water is more than a drink, for it carries vibrations that also heal on a vibrational level too. So for those of you who truly wish to help yourselves to release past issues, be it karmic, or in this lifetime, seek to cleanse and clear with water. Those who have issues to clear, and continue to fill their physical bodies with diet sodas, and sugary drinks, may well experience digestive disorders or attention deficit symptoms, as the body tries to alert you to the need to heal itself. Work on your resolve to remove karmic and past patterning.
Practise yoga, meditation, swimming or walking to enable you to relax and gently support your healing process.
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