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All children go through tricky patches: changing schools, a best friend moves away, a new baby arrives, and the challenge of peer pressure are just a few of the things they may face during their formative years.
In the 1960's a British Naturopath and Reflexologist, Robert St.John, developed a profound technique so simple that anyone can learn it. A gentle touch on the feet, hands and head on points which correspond to our time in the womb, acts as a catalyst for transformation. Mother's stresses during this formative period are the beginnings of the challenges we face later in life. By giving sessions, we loosen the root of these patterns. The child's Life Force and innate intelligence begin to transform them in a way that perfectly right for them.
Parents often give MT to their children at bedtime or even while watching television. Some noticed that after a few sessions neediness disappeared and self confidence emerged. It has also been used on children with learning difficulties, add, emotional or behavioural problems, illness, autism and Downs syndrome, all with very positive results. When a parent gives Metamorphic Technique to their child on a regular basis it can be deeply life changing, allowing the child to move through blocks towards their potential.
The essence of this work is that the parent, through this touch, acts as a catalyst to the child's Life Force and innate intelligence which does the work of transforming them. By giving a session we are trusting the power of life to grow us.
MT is also often used by pregnant women who generally experience a very positive pregnancy. Bonding and breast feeding happen naturally and mothers using MT report no post natal depression.
Couples also work on each other. This soft and nurturing time doing each other's feet allows them to reconnect and handle the pressures of family life with greater ease.
Metamorphic Technique is taught in weekend workshops and is appropriate for everyone. Once you have attended a workshop there is a nationwide network of people who are available to exchange sessions for free.
Dominique Meeroff is a practitioner and teacher member of the Metamorphic Association. She teaches around the world and is currently working on a book on the technique. - 07863 544 036
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