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Hello and welcome to the Spirit network radio show with your host, Mark Chatterton. Tonight, we are very pleased to welcome back on the show, Lorna Byrne, a very special lady from Ireland, who has the rare gift of being to see angels around us. Lorna’s first book, “Angels In My Hair” went on to become an International best seller. Last week her third book was published in the UK and Ireland, called “A Message of Hope from the Angels”, and we will be talking about that book and a whole host of other subjects. So welcome back on the show Lorna.
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As we start the interview, I would just like to tell our listeners that Lorna’s new book, “A Message of Hope from the Angels” has just gone straight in at number one in both the UK and Irish non-fiction hard book charts. So well done Lorna! Just what does that mean to you?
Now in your new book, you discuss various topics, backed up with events from your life. One of the ones that struck me, was the subject of parenting, which you describe as “the most important job in the world”. Why is that?
You also mention that “life is meant to be lived to the full and enjoyed”, which I would agree with you on that. Yet so many people are not enjoying life at the moment. What can we do to change that?
Another problem which many of us face at the moment is that of lack of money and in many cases debt, yet the angels are there to help the financially stressed?
Does that mean that there is an Angel of money, who can help us if we are financially in trouble?
Moving on in the book, you talk of the idea of having a “soul mate”, yet you say that if you have a soul mate, it is not necessarily the person you are married to or in love with?
You also reveal in your new book that you had a second Near Death Experience, which you haven’t mentioned before. Can you describe what that was like to us?
Now apart from this new book, you recently brought out a CD of Meditations called “Wings Unfurled”. Can you tell us a little about this CD?
Moving onto to some general questions about angels….
What would you say to someone who says I would happily believe in angels, but I can’t see them, so they mustn’t exist?
Also, how do you explain that an angel can be in hundreds of different places at the same time?
Some people say that angels are your conscience. Would you agree with this?
Do animals see angels as they say animals can see or sense ghosts?
When Uri Geller first came into the limelight back in the 1970’s, he drew the interest of several scientists wanting to test his powers in a laboratory setting. I was wondering if you’ve ever been approached by scientists interested in your gift and if you were asked, would you be willing to undergo scientific tests?
There are several popular teachers and writers about angels including Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper, Jackie Newcombe and of course yourself. They’ll all female of course, so why is it there are very few men who teach about angels?
Getting back to your book, you’ll be doing a book launch in Dublin next Sunday, 26th February and then you’ll be in Birmingham the following Wednesday. What other plans have you for 2012?
Lorna will be speaking about her new book, “A Message of Hope from the Angels” at the following events:-
Gaiety Theatre, Dublin – Sunday 26th February 2012
The ICC, Birmingham – Wednesday 29th February 2012
If you would like to buy, “A Message of Hope from the Angels” you can buy it on line from:
Lorna’s website:-
Hodder & Stoughton
It is also on sale in most bookshops in the UK and Ireland.
To buy Lorna’s meditation CD, press on the link below:-
For more information on Lorna Byrne, her website is:
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