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Today has been a day to recharge my batteries. It has been very special to have time away from my busy life. So today there have been no big insights, no lightbulb moments, no creative splurges. It’s been a day of little things. Sometimes we forget the little things that happen. They form a backdrop whilst we get on with what we feel are the important aspects of our lives. They are the moments that can be easily missed when we are looking for ‘significance’ in our lives. Yet without the little things I believe nothing of significance can ever happen. My little things might have value only to me. I want to notice them because they keep me aware of the flow of energy in my life. They also help me remain mindful – thoughtful & focused – on what is really underpinning my spiritual journey.
There have been three hugs & I love you’s from my daughter. Precious because we lead busy lives. I’ve had two cats sleeping on the bed with me, curled up as close as they could and nudging my nose when it was time to wake up to feed them. Animals are so accepting of our place in their lives. I had my first cup of coffee in the peace of my Centre. When it’s quiet there, first thing in the morning, I feel the presence of my Guides showing me positive things to do in the day. Outside it was snowing. Snowing on my day off. Crazy weather! A complete turn around from the sunshine over the weekend. It reminded me that each day can be full of surprises. Lunch was from one of my favourite shops in Hebden Bridge. I love food that is made with love. I really can taste the difference. Nourishing my body with the best vibrations is really important. Loving my body means I love myself more unconditionally and my body loves me back by keeping going another day.
I took myself off for an afternoon siesta. A treat to spend some relaxing time listening to meditation music. As I lay there I received the heat of healing energy sent to me by my Guides. I know that they often send me extra energy so it was special to feel it come in from them and to be able to say thank you. I got an invitation to go out from a friend. It’s always lovely when someone thinks of me when planning an evening out. Friendship is precious and actually very rare. I sat and watched a bit of tv. That’s something I only do late at night usually so I miss out on quiz programmes where we can have a go at guessing the answers. Knowledge is something we can all have if we are curious enough about the world. I also got to chat to a good friend without feeling that I needed to move on to the next thing on the to do list. Sometimes the sense that we have to do everything on that list before we can rest creates such stress that we beconme I’ll. Setting aside a to do list every now and then keeps a balance to my life.
My day of little things is almost at an end. I have one more little thing to notice. I enjoy writing my blog. It gives me a reflective space to process my day, letting go of anything negative and focusing on the positives, bringing me a chance to appreciate both the big and little events I’ve experienced. One way or another my life is founded on lots of little moments of loving kindness for which I am greatful. What are the little things in your life that mean a lot?
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