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Your world is in your hands.....
There is a saying that you have probably heard before and, if you haven't, then it's a new experience for you! (Which is a good thing). The saying goes "The world is your oyster" and never a truer word has been spoken. Unlike real oysters, where only some have pearls within them, every single life on this planet has a pearl within it somewhere. It's up to each one of us to discover what that is. But then, that's part of the fun isn't it? Exploring and experiencing. And, when you do find it, all the things you can do with your pearl.
Now the best place to find your pearl is within your heart. You will never find it externally. In the same way that you never see a pearl attached to the outside of an oyster. The pearl is formed inside the shell. Just as our "shell", if you will, is the exterior we show to others.
There is an excitement by divers searching for real pearls as to which oysters will have them. As life goes on, and the diver becomes more experienced, it becomes easier to spot the oysters most likely to have them. Life is very much like that all the world over - if we allow it to be. So let me ask you, are you excited each morning as you wake up about what the day will bring? Or are you disheartened, worried, and distressed? It's all about choice - but you know that already as I've mentioned it so often in my musings.
Let's take this back a step. The purpose of the Universe (the All That Is) is to create, expand, and experience - lovingly, abundantly, and joyfully. We are all a part of the All That Is whether we know it (or like it) that's just the way it is. It pervades everything. That is why there is drive, no matter how depressed or down you get, to experience new things. Admittedly that drive might be on a low ebb, but it's still there - as is the Want to create something different. It is through contrast that we are able to create something better for ourselves.
We opted to have this human experience because we Knew, we absolutely KNEW, that it would bring fantastic opportunities to learn, grow, develop, and experience wonderful new things. We've all been given this opportunity to experience SO much. It's a bit like being taken to an amusement park for the first time - so many different rides to experience. So many different foods to try. So much fun to have. Even the rides that you try but don't find as fun. They're all learning experiences and opportunities to have fun. Life is like that. You've been given a brilliant chance to experience so much and, even better, YOU get to choose what you experience. Do you get that? YOU and only you get to choose what you want to experience and you do this by consciously making that decision, moment-to-moment. Whatever you are experiencing is in direct relation to where you've put your creative focus.
Let's go back to this amusement park. You've found a ride that looks like it could be good and you try it out. You find that, actually, it's not very good at all. It makes you feel all dizzy, scared, and sick. So do you learn from that, or do you get on again in the hope that it might change? Imagine doing that again and again and realising, after each ride, that the ride and your reaction to it is not going to change. You still don't like it! Question: why not try a different ride?! You don't have to just experience that one. If you don't like rollercoasters, go try the merry-go-round or maybe the log flume, or the pirate ship etc. You have a choice.
I really want today to get across how exciting life really is and I hope that you can feel the energy of that through my words. Really tap into it. I'll say it again "Life is a wonderful and fantastic opportunity for you to experience so much". You chose to come here.
So if you don't like the current ride, go find another one! It really is as simple as that. If you tell yourself it's not, then all you're doing is getting back on the same rollercoaster that makes you feel bad. And that's OK. When you get bored of doing it, the other rides will all still be there. But why waste time moaning about what is, and go get excited about what the next thing might be! Then create it!
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