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Everyone in the UK and indeed around the world, has been horrified at the story of Jake, the dog, who was viciously beaten and then buried alive under a pile of rocks in the Highlands. Fortunately Jake’s cries were heard by two hillwalkers who rescued him and called the SSPCA and, after surgery and intensive care, Jake’s life was saved and he is now happily re-homed.
Just what exactly does that person or persons, carrying out such terrible cruelty think will happen to them as a result? I very much hope they will be caught and prosecuted in this world but they no doubt feel that they will never have to answer for this terrible deed. They will think that they have got away with it. Well, I have news for them and for everyone else who is cruel to animals or who stabs and kills innocent people on the streets of our cities. Nobody gets away with it! You see I am a Spiritualist and I know that there is another world you enter when you leave this world and there you will face a judgment on your life. Terrible will be your reaction when you feel in your own body the pain and suffering you have inflicted on another person — animal or human. Sins carry consequences and Spiritualists do not believe in the concept of a Saviour God where you can live a sinful life and be welcomed into the next world because someone else has already paid the price for your misdeeds.
Let us look at what our beloved Spirit Guide Silver Birch tells us about such happenings. “If one does another harm, that harm is registered on the spirit of the doer. This may not show up during their physical lifetime but it is measured on their spiritual life which is the eternal life. It is you yourself who make or mar your spiritual destiny, Whatever wrong you have done you must expiate it. That is an unalterable law, for the soul cannot progress until you have expunged that blot upon it. You must put it right.” Spiritualists believe in compensation and retribution and nobody can escape the law of cause and effect. One day we must all answer to a higher justice.
So what does the Bible have to say about all this?
Galatians 6. (7-8.) “Be not deceived; God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”
Matthew. 5.21. “Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment.”
2nd Corinthians 5.10. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that every one may receive what he is due for what he has done in the body whether it be good or evil.”
Romans 14.12. “So then everyone of us shall give an account of himself to God.”
Ecclesiastes 12:14 “For God shall bring every work into judgment.”
I grew up in a world where one was told “You will answer for that” or “God will punish you.” I no longer hear this type of comment today for some misdeed committed. Why is this? It is because our churches insist we believe that “Jesus died for our sins.” Well I don’t believe that at all! I repeat. Sins carry consequences and whatever you have done wrong you must put right. There is no such thing as death! You are going to live forever. Life is eternal but you will not have a pleasant existence if you continue to carry these sins on your spiritual soul.
Cruelty to animals, wild and domestic, is rampant in our world today even from the highest in the land. The heir to the throne thinks that fox hunting is acceptable and our aristocracy see shooting birds out of the sky as an enjoyable entertainment. Murderers all! Well they also will have to answer for this on their Day of Judgment for God is no “Respecter of Persons” [Acts 10:34] He is the creator of all life on earth and all his creation are as precious in His sight as are humans. Foolish women who feel that by draping themselves in the skins of dead animals they are making themselves important will also face the judgment.
What if anything can be done to change people’s thinking on these matters. I have always believed that our various religious churches are the guardians of our morals and we look to them for guidance. I read this quotation recently which made me sad.
“Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society’s own level, and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smilingly accepting its surrender.” (A.W. Tozer)
So come on all you men of God! Get back to basics and the teachings of Jesus. He had the courage to speak out against what He thought was wrong with the Jewish teachings of His day and it cost Him His life. You also must have that courage to fight what is wrong about our world today because all of you will also face God’s Judgment when you too arrive in the next world!
I am offering a free copy of my paperback book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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