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In today's show Gregory discussed the following:
The Moon.
We discussed NASA's recent Moon mission in which they crashed space craft in to the south pole of the moon to apparently find evidence of water.
Gregory discussed how the moon was created.
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I asked, "are the other planets going through climate change as well?". Gregory pointed out that most of these brightening anomalies are actually caused by us viewing them from our vantage point of Earth. Our atmosphere is thinning dramatically as a result of rapid climate change.
However I feel the question wasn't answered fully and perhaps I didn't ask it in the right way, also I know that Gregory and his group's work is to raise awareness of issues we are facing as a result of human activity, so he may be reticent to focus on this so we don't just give up cleaning up our own back yard, so to speak.
It is true that our atmosphere would distort obversations from Earth but from what I have seen through the work of Richard Hoagland and David Wilcock, is that these anomalies were observed from the Hubble out in space or from orbiting space craft. Here is a quote from their
research site:
"The entire solar system - not just our one small planet -- is currently undergoing profound, never-before-seen physical changes. This paper will address and scientifically document a wide variety of significant examples, drawing from a host of published mainstream sources.
We will also outline a new scientific model that, for the first time, coherently explains these simultaneous interplanetary changes via a fundamental “new Physics” - a Physics that predicts “even greater anomalies to come”…
Here are some highlights:
Sun: More activity since 1940 than in previous 1150 years, combined
Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field … for a supposedly “dead” planet
Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years
Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes
Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps
Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds
Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only ~20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator
Uranus: “Really big, big changes” in brightness, increased global cloud activity
Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness
Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun"
The Earth.
Earth Quakes. We discussed the sudden increase in quakes which are set to continue as Mother Earth is going through a cycle of continued rapid changes that will see some Islands submerged, possible big quakes in the US within the next 3 years, even Italy and Rome which could cause a sudden movement of secret information stored in the Vatican.
Ice Caps - Gulf Stream - Ice Age. We discussed the theory that the northern hemisphere could go in to a mini ice age if the polar ice caps melts. It's theorised that fresh water could stop the gulf stream, which is essential for providing heat for the northern hemisphere. However Gregory felt this wasn't really the main issue to be concerned about as he didn't see much evidence for this. The main cause for concern is the sudden release of millions of tons of carbon which is currently locked in the ice, if it's suddenly released in to the atmosphere then it will cause a very dangerous situation, as we are already in a very fragile situation.
Pole Shift
Fact or Fiction?
The Fatima Mother Mary Predictions.
Mother Mary apparently appeared to three young children in Fatima on October the 13th, 1917. Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. She gave them three prophecies below. Gregory confirmed that Mother Mary did actually materialise to the children and talked around this.
Info taken from:
"Lucia said the first secret shown to them by Mary began with a terrifying vision of hell. Mary then indicated that the war would soon end, as World War I did in the following year.
But Mary foresaw that a "night illuminated by an unknown light" would precede a "worse war" in which "The good will be martyred" and "The Holy Father will have much to suffer." On January 25, 1938, a remarkable display of aurora borealis was visible across Europe, the year before World War II began.
The second secret involved the future of Russia. Lucia says Mary revealed that Russia would "spread her errors throughout the world, promoting wars," and that "Various nations will be annihilated." Many believe this is a direct prophecy of the spread of communism. "I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart," continues the account of Mary's revelation. "If people attend to My requests, Russia will be converted and the world will have peace." Some interpret Pope John Paul II's 1984 consecration of Russia as fulfilling the prophecy, and paving the way for the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union as the "conversion" of Russia.
Lucia wrote down the third secret, sealed it, and entrusted it to Portugal's Bishop of Leiria, with instructions that it was not to be read until 1960. The Bishop turned the envelope over to the Vatican. Pope John XXIII reportedly opened the envelope when 1960 arrived, but refused to divulge its contents, saying, "This prophecy does not relate to my time." Pope John Paul II is said to have also read it, and refuses to reveal it on the grounds that its true spiritual message has been obscured by sensationalism. "
The Vatican - Hidden Secrets.
We discussed the hidden secrets located in the Vatican. Gregory discussed the hidden information. We also talked about the Library of Alexandria which was destroyed to keep humanity ignorant. The library contained many revealing and powerful secrets.
Cosmic Ordering - Law of Attraction.
We had some very good questions from one of our listeners on this subject which Gregory answered for us:
1... With all due respect to anyone's beliefs, there does seem to be in some spiritual peoples thinking that "spirit " can do anything for them, i.e., my guide will get a car parking space for me, spirit will provide me with the money for a course I want to go on, etc, etc, and I think its time that people are made aware of exactly what spirit can do, will do, or maybe what they are allowed to do in order to help people.
2....There is and has been for a while, some books, cards, courses etc, that are called, Universal ordering/cosmic ordering, where if one visualises, and believes that what they want will come to fruition, and I need to know from Gregory if this type of human concept is true? On the physical plane, and how that may differ to the concept of spirit thinking of something and having it materialise, i.e. Gregory would like a chair to sit on, can he think of a chair, visualise it, and it appears?
Biblical Angels - Gregory confirmed that the accounts mentioned in the bible of Chariots coming from the sky were in fact extraterrestrials. Ezekiel talks about living creatures flying within wheels within wheels. Humans at that time would have viewed these as Gods or Angels when in fact they were extraterrestrial in origin. We also discussed the Annunaki written about the Sumerian text.
Freemasonry - Gregory discussed the origins of Freemasonry from Egypt and how the Mason's started out building the pharaoh's tombs using secret divine knowledge. The Mason's would be killed after the Pharaoh was buried so not to reveal what they knew regarding the construction of the tomb. Obviously this became a concern for the Mason's so they setup a secret agreement not to divulge any information and become free to live their lives, hence they became Free Mason's and could practice what they knew as long as it remained secret. This knowledge has been passed down ever since and kept from the masses.
And much more....
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