
Journeys into Consciousness 13 - Climate Change Hoax? - Hadron Collider - Listeners Questions
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Fri,27 Nov 2009
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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In today's show we discussed the following:
Climate Change - Real or a Hoax?
Gregory discussed his views on the recent release of hacked climate change data which is alleged to show scientists cooking the books for their own agendas. We also discussed what's really happening to the climate, especially in light of the recent biblical floods across Cumbria in the UK and the devastating droughts affecting most of the worlds food output.
CERN - The Large Hadron Collider
Gregory discussed his thoughts on the Large Hadron Collider that was switched on last week.
The Higgs boson, also known as the God Particle is the only Standard Model particle that has not been observed. Experimental detection of the Higgs boson would help explain the origin of mass in the universe.
Pivotal Time in History
We also discussed that we're now in a Pivotal time in history where we have the best opportunity to make positive strides as a race. There are beings here to assist us make this leap, however we have to be discerning as the opposite is also true.
Listener Questions
For the remainder of the show, we touched on some questions from our listeners.
"If you or I wanted to located someone on earth, say an old friend, we would locate them by a house number, street name, town, country, etc and in a conversation we would say that we have found our friend,
And he is at 92 west street, Dartford, Kent, England for instance.
Now….. If Gregory wanted to find an old friend, he would just think of them, and hey presto he would be there, but if he was talking to another friend abut finding his old friend, what would the conversation be like? Would he say I have found Fred, and he is living on the 7th dimension, in the summerlands, in an town called utopia, within a soul group called getting jiggie with it. ? lol
I guess what I'm trying to say is, are there locations within the spirit world, towns, cities, streets, and what dimension/frequency level."
"Is it important to pay attention to numerology, life path numbers etc? Is this part of sacred geometry?"
"How many dimensions are there?"
And much more....
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