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UFO - E.T Disclosure
Insiders / Researchers such as
David Wilcock,
Michael Salla et al and now other Channellers are all saying that Obama will be disclosing the existance of other E.T races by the end of the year (2009). We discussed this subject along with the announcment by some intel sources via some internet researchers that a large ship is also approcaching Earth which apperently houses a large civilisation, according to Gregory this event is putting huge pressure on goverments to disclose as there will be no hiding the subject once this is visible in our skies in the near future. I was expecting Gregory to debunk this but in fact he seemed to agree this was the case, which is rather interesting.
Also we discussed E.T Cities that exist within our Mountains and under the oceans.
Spiritual Laws
We discussed the laws and how they are actually policed.
Law of Free
Law of Proximity - How spirits can be limited in what they are allowed to see.
Law of Squares - The power of group mind when many sitters focus with love on an intention.
Levitation - Energy Transference Questions
Gregory suggested a different technique to Levitation was used in some cases to move large stones. The concept Gregory described was Energy Transference where people are able to reduce the actual weight of an object by moving their energy in to it. A crude example of this can be watched
China super psychics and their use of telekinesis to move objects.
Megalithic Stones such as:
2000 ton stone in Ba'albek, Lebanon
Boulders in Trees
In April 1997, a turkey hunter in
Yellowwood State Forest, Indiana, came upon a huge sandstone boulder wedged between three branches of an oak tree about 35 feet from the ground. The arrow shaped rock was estimated to weight 500lb. Subsequently, four more large boulders were found wedged high up in trees elsewhere in the forest. All were in remote areas. None of the trees were damaged and there were no signs of heavy equipment begin used or of tornado damage and no one recalled any mishaps involving dynamite anywhere nearby.
Mysterious Sliding Boulders
One of the strangest occurrences that Dr. Bob has ever come across is the
mysterious sliding boulders of Death Valley National Park, California. There are trails showing that boulders up to 705 pounds (320 kg) have moved large distances over flat terrain. No one has actually seen these boulders move.
The Dropa Stones
We briefly touched on the
Dropa Stones which will be covered fully in a future show.
The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years ago.
The explorers are said to have found many neat rows of tombs with short 138 cm skeletons buried within. The skeletons had abnormally big heads, and small, thin, fragile bodies. A member of the team suggested that these might be the remains of an unknown species of mountain gorilla.
And much more....
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