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This week's guest is John C. Parkin, author of the hugely successful self help books, F**k It. In the show we discussed John's background, philosophical outlook on life and what inspired him to use a very powerful profanity as a spiritual tool in helping people let go.
We also discussed his beautiful Italian retreat where spiritual seekers can go to chill out and experience the full impact of his light hearted but affective philosophical teachings.
You can find out more about John and his retreat via the links at the bottom.
Warning this show does contain spiritual swearing, if you're easily offended, then please find your inner childish streak to proceed.:¬)
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Workshop Sunday 30th May for Mind Body Spirit
London, 2010
Title 1: Saying F**k It Really Works
Yes, saying the profane ‘F**k It’ can have a truly profound effect in your life. Just saying F**k It can help you relax, let go, give up on things that are causing you pain and get things in perspective. In a big way (it’s a strong phrase).
In this inspiring and often funny talk, John C. Parkin (bestselling author of two books with F**k It in the title) will explain why he thinks F**k It works so well (including the science of F**k It) and how to use it effectively to create freedom in your life.
John C. Parkin is the son of Anglican preachers.
As a young adult, though, he was drawn to the internal martial arts of China, Qi Gong and Tai Chi, and the philosophies behind them.
Having studied literature and philosophy at university, he spent his days writing television commercials for brands like Haagen Dazs, the AA, Pot Noodle and Shape.
But he continued his practice and study of a variety of disciplines: he trained as a hypnotherapist, as a shamanic healer, as a breathworker and began to teach Qi Gong.
In the late 1990s, he gone part-time and written a screenplay, intending to take it, and his career to Hollywood. But he knew it was just another goal. His heart was drawn towards the thera
peutic aspects of the disciplines he was practising still.
So his next step was to use his training in the corporate world: he set up a company 'Subconscious' and used trance techniques from hypnotherapy and shamanism to help companies come up with ideas.
He helped Mars develop new snacks, Orange see a vision of the future (it was bright), new ideas for Captain Bird's Eye and a large schools project for The Arts Council.
But he did it by putting executives from these enormous brands in trance, and getting them to come up with amazing ideas in a very short time. The companies loved it. On one day he had the whole of The Sci Fi Channel staff, 70 people, in a mass trance, conjuring up new programmes.
But he wanted to do more therapeutic work too. So he (and his wife, Gaia) combined this desire with their wish to move to Italy (Gaia's Italian) and, in 2004, they opened the holistic centre, The Hill That Breathes.
They originally taught generic holistic weeks. But they soon found themselves saying to people 'you should really just say “Fuck It” to that' and decided it would be good to teach this in a week… So the Fuck It Weeks were born and were an instant hit.
John now runs a sell-out Fuck It Week every month at The Hill, talks about Fuck It at festivals like Mind Body Spirit and is this year starting 'Fuck It Gigs' in lounge bars in London, a mixture of music and teaching.
John has brought the wisdom of the way of Fuck It to his book 'Fuck It. The Ultimate Spiritual Way'.
The book was launched in September 2008 to a huge success, and John has since been requested for audiences by the Dalai Lama, the pope, Sid Little and Geoffrey from Rainbow.
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