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Healer's Gold
Healer's Gold is sometimes called Apache Gold. From the USA.
Healers Gold is a combination of Pyrite and Magnetite which can be highly efficient at beating that drained feeling one gets often after doing a healing. Healers Gold actually boosts both the healer and receiver’s energy levels making it a wonderful ally for healers hence its title.
Healers Gold protects from the negativity emitted by electrical equipment, helps us be more decisive, and take action due to its ability to create energy and flow.
Healers Gold brings a positive outlook and releases ancient murk that has been held in the emotional body at the solar plexus. It strengthens the will and brings harmony with self and others. It is also a useful protector from radiation from computers.
Pyrite is a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding.
Magnetite can align the chakras, and balance yin/y

Healer's Gold
ang energies. It is used to lessen or dispel grief, fear, anger, confusion, and attachment. It helps relieve burdens and increase energy and endurance.
Magnetite has a receptive, attracting energy that attracts power, as well as good fortune, and love. It also guards against infidelity. It is said to strengthen the circulatory system, help with healing blood and bleeding problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, relieve agitation and depression.
Healers Gold works especially well with Moldavite, which can speed and strengthen its effects. Its healing influence can be augmented by Seraphinite, Rosophia and all varieties of Azeztulite. Its ability to clear negative energies is enhanced by Aegirine, master Shamanite and Black Tourmaline. It harmonizes with almost all other healing stones and can be useful for grounding after working with Phenacite or other high vibration crystals.
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