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Mark Chatterton caught up with Angels in my Hair and Stairways to Heaven author Lorna Byrne for this power packed interview. To Listen to the audio interview please use the audio player above or download the MP3 (above) to play in your media player.
Irish mystic, Lorna Byrne has been seeing and talking to angels ever since she was a baby. She kept what she saw and learnt about angels a secret, until her family had grown up. Her first book, Angels in my hair was published in May 2008, and went on to become an international bestseller. This was followed by the publication of her second book, Stairways to Heaven this year. Her books have helped to inspire and encourage many people all over the world.
Interview Questions Featured in the Show
I know that you have just got back from a two week visit to America. How did your American trip go?
From both your books, you have told us a lot about angels and your relationship to them. Not only can you see them, but at times you hold hands with them, as if they were humans. Are you aware of any other people in the world who have the same gifts as you, or would you say that you are pretty unique?
You say that children can see angels, yet as they grow into adults they lose this ability. Would you say that it is possible for a child whose parents believe in angels, who would nurture them in this belief, the child would keep this ability to believe see angels as they become an adult?
Is it possible that we see angels as physical people in the street everyday, who look just like humans, but they are there to help a certain person?
Do you think there will come a day when all humans can see angels with their own eyes?
You tell us that the angels are sometimes mischievous and imitate people they are next to. Does this mean that they have feelings like humans?
The subject of angels seems to have become big business over the past few years, with numerous books on angels, angel CDs, angel cards, angel workshops for example. There’s even a world angel day. Is there a danger that the subject of angels is getting too commercialised and the real message of angels is getting lost in all this?
In Angels In My Hair you describe the experience of dying and going to heaven with your unborn child, but you were told that you had to come back to Earth. I don’t suppose words could describe that experience, but would you say that was the most important thing that has ever happened to you?
At your talk at Alternatives in London last September, someone asked you about the difference between Spirit Guides and Angels. I believe you said that they were the same?
You say that angels sometimes intervene in human affairs, like saving a person from being hurt in a car crash. Isn’t that interfering with that person’s free wi
When bad things happen to a person, such as being attacked in some way, why don’t the angels intervene to stop that person getting hurt?
Is there any truth in the belief that there is an angel hierarchy with archangels, dominions, principalities and powers the further up you go?
Apart from seeing angels, you can also see the spirits of people who have died. Could you explain how they differ from the angels that you see?
Many people experience seeing the same numbers on clocks and their mobile phones, like 11.11, or 22.22. Some people have said that it’s the angels letting us know that they are here with us. Have you any thoughts on this?
One phenomenon that has happened over the past few years with people using digital cameras is the presence of orbs in the photos. Are these angels or spirits as some people suggest?
In Stairways to Heaven, you mention an angel called, Jimazen, who you say is the gatekeeper of the earth, and he is constantly trying to control Mother Earth, because of what humans are doing to the planet. With the environment, there will be a lot of people listening tonight who will be saying, “What can I do to help the planet? I feel so helpless with all these big corporations taking over and exploiting the planet for their own ends” What would you say to them?
In Stairways to Heaven you tell us about souls who have reincarnated back to earth. You say that it is quite unusual for souls to reincarnate, as most souls want to stay in heaven when they get there. So when people go through past life regression and say that they have had several past lives, is this not true?
2010 has been a difficult year for the people of Ireland. Have you anything to say to our Irish listeners about what is going to happen in Ireland next year?
A lot of people are saying that the year 2012 will be the end of an era and the start of a new one. Do you see any significance in the year 2012? Or would you say that people are reading too much into it?
One important piece of information that came out of Stairways to Heaven, was that the human body and soul are to become one. Could you explain a little bit more about that concept.
Do you think that there will come a time when there can be heaven on earth?
I know that there has been some opposition to what you are saying. How do you deal with that?
You’ve started to travel to different countries around the world. Are there any particular countries that you would like to visit if you could?
What plans have you for 2011? Is there another book coming out?
Finally, is there a message you would like to leave with anyone listening in this Christmas?
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