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Futuristic Medicine in the Present?
How often have you wished for a crystal ball in order to be able to see into the future? Will I live a healthy and happy life? Will I be part of a loving family? Will I enjoy a successful career and material wealth? And then, common sense kicks in and you come to realise that, actually, it is a blessing that we don’t know what the future holds for us. Knowing that good things are on their way for us is one thing, but who wants to know in advance that they are going to be lonely or live in poverty – or even worse - going to become ill or die an untimely death? Much better to live in blissful ignorance. Or is it?
What if there were a way to predict negative events in order to be able to intervene and prevent them from happening? It would be great to be warned about potential illness before it manifests itself and while there was still time to take action to prevent it before it developed, wouldn’t it? If you think that this sounds too good to be true, think again. It isn’t!
Not many people have heard of redox serum analysis (or RSA, for short). It is a process from the field of regulatory medicine and it enables experts to get a glimpse of a person’s state of health up to 7 years in advance. The process is one of several tools used by a specialist private medical practice at the International Academy for Regulatory Medicine and Consciousness Research (INAKARB) in Germany which is run by Prof. Dr. Dr. Enrico Edinger, who has specialised in the area of Regulatory and Space Medicine. Personal illness and a series of fortunate coincidences led to a cooperation between Prof. Edinger and the physicians and scientists at the Russian space travel authority and the subsequent evolution of his particular kind of alternative medicine which specialises in the treatment of all manner of chronic illnesses.
To put it incredibly simply, regulatory medicine seeks to stimulate the human organism to return to its optimum functional state, whereby it is once again able to maintain health and fight illness. Regulatory medicine has its roots in manned space travel. In the early years of space travel, astronauts and cosmonauts suffered a great many health problems as a result of the conditions and stress that they were subjected to. Research was conducted into what could be done in order to improve their health. Indeed, Russian research was so successful that it enabled one Russian cosmonaut, Dr. Valery Polyakov, to spend a record 437 days in space in the 1990s and then return to Earth in the best of health! Prof. Edinger’s practice has developed a unique concept which combines the use of several specialised medical systems and which uses sound, frequencies, oxygen, high-quality nutritional supplements, mental techniques as well as some aspects of conventional medicine in order to diagnose, treat and then restore and maintain health.
But let’s return to RSA. It is one of Prof. Edinger’s diagnostic tools. Besides various non-invasive tests which are performed on patients who visit the practice, a blood sample may be drawn and then bombarded with synthetic radicals. This functional analysis is a concentrated simulation of something which occurs naturally within the body. By observing the reactions which occur, conclusions may be drawn as to which areas of the body are most vulnerable and are likely to develop an illness. As this occurs before illness has taken hold, there is still time to intervene and to strengthen the organism, thus preventing the anticipated illness from actually occurring at all.
Intervention is carried out according to a plan which is drawn up by the medical staff at INAKARB based on a person’s test results. A regimen of high-quality dietary supplements is tailor-made to suit the individual patient and is designed to build up energy in order to be able to achieve regeneration capability, detoxify and de-acidify the body – after all it is acidification which leads to inflammation and illness. Next comes regeneration and power as a result of optimised cellular and tissue repair, improved biorhythm and hormone release. Lastly the targeted use of psychotherapeutic techniques assist the patient in overwriting negative thought patterns which result in personal growth and brain capacity.
As this holistic approach affects the whole body, it means that a whole range of complaints and symptoms can be treated at the same time and that the cause of the symptoms is targeted rather than just the symptoms themselves, as is often the case with conventional medicine. And if this wasn’t exciting enough, it just so happens that biological rejuvenation is a rather pleasant “side effect”!
If you are interested in taking a peek into the future of your health, why not take a moment to see what INAKARB can offer you.
Please visit for more details. We can be contacted via e-mail on Alternatively please feel free to call +49 2228 913450, where the INAKARB team will be happy to help you further.
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