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Surviving the Eighth Dimension
Everyone has free will. You can choose to believe in God or
you can choose not to. You can choose to live harmoniously or you
can choose to fight. You can choose to be a drug addict and steal
other people’s property or you can choose to work and live a
productive life. Free will is all about choice. Sure, we have a blueprint
of our lives that we decided upon with the Creator prior to incarnation,
but the choices we make predict whether that blueprint is adhered to or
whether we go off our path. Making the right decisions come from
within: trust and intuition. I see many people who make the wrong
choices, because they listen to ego rather than intuition and they get
stuck on what I call the spiritual roundabout. By trusting your own
intuition you become closer to the Divine source and that makes your
future decisions easier to make. People who make choices that divert
them from their path often end up with depression. The further they
stray the more complicated their life becomes: addiction, abuse, doors
not opening, set back after set back, entity attachments, poverty, job
after job, bad luck, illness, isolation, detachment from family and
friends, accidents, the list goes on. Ego can drive people to greatness,
but they will never be happy or at peace with themselves.
Ego is greed, ego is unhappiness.
Spirit attachment, entity attachment or demonic possession all
violates your free will. If you have an attachment or possession then
often the results will be deficiencies in your life, lack of unconditional
love, too much ego and addiction. To free yourself of an attachment
or possession requires a turnaround in your life from selfishness to
selflessness. Some people can have multiple entity attachments that
can result in personality disorders. Often the affected person will talk
about different voices in their head telling them to do something bad.
These people will often spiral out of control with addiction or abuse.
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