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The Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution
The planet needs a MIRACLE to "give peace a chance," and cure what ails us personally, politically and financially. This presentation is based on Dr. Leonard Horowitz's 17th book--"The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE"--celebrating faith, hope, and the music that conquers all crises. LOVE--the "Universal Healer," WATER--The "Universal Solvent," and MUSIC--"The "Universal Language" offers humanity's greatest opportunity to transcend social, political, and economic impositions enslaving populations to false doctrines, divisions, and degeneration of everything good, leveraged for profit by a select few. This presentation provides the ways and means to freedom in healthcare and the energy industries. This knowledge is fundamental to the prophesied "paradigm shift."

Health and healing is a function of Holy Spiritual "a-tone-meant," for restoration and reactivation of the "Body Temple." Spirit is energy. Energy is frequency, and frequency is simply musical mathematics vibrating electronically through spinning electrons. This physics of creation and recreation, fundamental to biophysics and metaphysical phenomena, operates every chemical and cellular reaction, as well as genetic expression. We now know that oxygen carries electrons resonating most powerfully with LOVE--the "Universal Healer"--in 528Hz and 528nm that reflects the heart of the universe (e.g., the heart of the rainbow and chlorophyll heralds this greenish-yellow "LOVE light"). WATER--The "Universal Solvent" and a third of the "Triune God"--solves all pollution problems and comprises approximately 80% of your body. MUSIC--"The "Universal Language"--is based on math, which is "God's Language." Spiritual disciplines seek to generate atonement--"at one meant" or "a tone meant" to be played like a musical "Key to the House of David" to generate miraculous, instantaneous, and perfect healing within a matrix of LOVE, forever blessing the "Kingdom of Heaven" in which there is nothing missing or broken. Actualizing this harmonious reality offers humanity's greatest opportunity to transcend social, political, and economic impositions enslaving populations to false doctrines and degeneration. This presentation provides the ways and means to relieve ignorance, toxicity, and financial dependence on unsustainable policies and deadly practices in healthcare.
Show Introduction:
Hello and welcome to the Spirit network radio show with your host, Mark Chatterton. Tonight’s guest is one of the most prolific authors and teachers we have ever had on the show. With seventeen books to his name and a career in both public health and natural medicine, he is a man who is not afraid to court controversy. On several occasions he has challenged the claims of the big pharmaceutical companies through his books, DVDs, CDs and films in spite of ongoing opposition and attacks from the authorities. Yet he is still speaking up for his alternative views on conventional medicine and natural healing. So we are pleased to welcome onto the show tonight, Dr Leonard Horowitz, from the USA. A warm welcome to you Dr Horowitz.
You are one of the guest speakers at the Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution taking place in London in August this year. Can you tell us a little bit about what you will be talking about?
Your latest book is called, “The Book of 528, Prosperity Key of Love”, which I understand is about this particular frequency. Can you tell us about how you discovered this frequency and how it works?
What about the various types of music such as Folk, Pop, Country, and Classical to name a few. Is this frequency only found in certain types of music? Or is it found in all types?
Dr Len Horowitz’s website:-
The Book of 528:-
The Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution:-
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