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The Transformational Truth of Tarot
My mission is about using the Tarot for Transformation of oneself and ones life. Each day has a particular Major Arcana archetype assigned to it, found out by numerologically working with the date. I will be posting ways that you can work with the date for transformation, so lets begin:
Happy Justice Day One and All!
So today's song is The Clash - Should I stay or should I go, which talks about the difficulty in knowing who we are and what the right thing is when we place too much of our power outside ourselves.
The line \"one day its white the next it's black\" also echoes The High Priestess which of course Justice deduces down to. I felt that I had a long drawn out intense death day the other day, but Temperance came to my side yesterday morning and by the afternoon I was in Justice (these have been the pattern of the day cards the last three days).
I have found myself in a situation for a while now where I felt I was not in alignment with one of my businesses but until now I could not see a way out of it. Yesterday I saw the picture clearly, beyond fear and illusion.
I know my purpose is the Tarot and I must be free to devote myself entirely to my passion, yet I have a partner who did not want to let the other business go and also doing that would affect a lot of people. I saw that he was right too, it needed to go on for him and for the others – and not only that but the issue was that I was holding it back.
It then suddenly became crystal clear that I should basically give it a dear sister who has helped me out so much and I feel a strong karmic connection with who was perfect for it and the business for her.
WOW! What

Jean Hamilton -Fford's Justice Card
an amazing empowering beautiful solution for us all and all so clear as this lady heped me build an event and community I chanelled named \"paying It forward\" and she did that all out of the kindness of her heart, not only that but it was the one year anniversary of Paying It Forward! Talk about what goes around comes around!
It was so clear what to do just by asking these three questions:
1) What empowers me?
2) What empowers the others in the situation?
3) What is for the highest good?
From that, if you are being honest with yourself you should get the same answer for all three and it should be crystal and feel totally aligned. You don't neccasarily need the Tarot, but if you feel you can't be so truthful and aligned in your conscious then why not try it as a three card spread?
Would love to know how it went for you….
Happy Justice day everyone, may you be brave enough to face the fears and illusions, allowing the chains of them to fall away and your freedom to return to you………TRUST ME ITS AAAAAMMMMMMAAAAAAZIIIINNG!
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