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Its Natures way to ascend
This time of year is a kind of killer for me, ever since Mum & Dad left us for their ‘higher duties’; This has also in effect robbed me of the pleasure of having a relationship with my brother.
However, I DO know; and have had the wonderful experience of being shown that the phrase; ‘True Love Never Dies’ is indeed so very true; that when we too are called to ‘Higher Duties’ then all will again return to what it was when Love; Light and Compassion ruled in the heart of all family life - that the present life of this particular planet in effect destroys these aspects of existence. To learn and experience life outside of those influences is part and parcel of the lessons to be learned whilst here on earth, which has lost the at understanding - ‘Big-time’ - as the saying goes. Though I guess it is trickling through, because people DO have these aspects within them, and these excellent folk ARE still able to incarnate on earth at this time, proves conclusively that Love is indeed on the planet.
I know there are many experiments now being undertaken to attempt to remove certain aspects from the psyche of the human system, but the ultimate attempt will all end in failure, because they would in effect be removing the original concept, and thus the ‘battery pack’ from humans of a certain vibratory rate. Now comes the moment when we have to look at the bigger picture - and to begun to piece all the parts of the eventual finished jig-saw puzzle together. This will give as ALL the finished picture, and the eventual ‘final frontier’ for ALL of humanity as we know it to be, as well as all the sub-species yet to be created once the scientists have grasped the notion that they truly are spiritual-scientists, and were the emphasis to be placed on the spiritual, then the experiments would be quite successful; and all those species to yet be created for physical life on various other dimensions/planets; would therefore be more in tune with their original concept; as it would then be ‘programmed’ into them, as they were created. - This is where the ‘idea’ for the One God comes into action.
Prior to this there was Creation Itself, mixing and mingling together occasionally coming together, often enough to begin to formulate ideas and suggestions between them, but because they all had their own ’gods’ they soon broke up and went back to their own forms of creation; whereas, now we are ’formed in the image of the One God.’ I am no way being blasphemous - but, am able, through the power of thought, to trace back the route of the energy within my DNA, which, because of the ‘Ascension process’ having been activated in a very conscious fashion, I can now go back quite a long way, and no!, the time scale is not being shown to me, as time is merely a ‘man made’ item for the benefit of control over the new concept of Humanity that had finally been brought under control of the ‘mass’ of consciousness as it was prepared to move forward ‘on it’s own’ vibrational rate of propulsion. We are all but a seething mass of energy; all held together through the power of thought, and as our spiritual-scientists again come together, (as they will), they will; again use the power of thought to ‘re-create in their own image’.
Once this process is ingrained within our psyche’ then of course we can truly create our own worlds, which would mean we would have the power to come away from the hold of the greater mass of the population, eventually to set up a separate ’world system’ which will happen anyway, as humanity grows, and expands into the physical aspects of the universe, with all of it’s diversity.
These facts are known by those who are presently ’in the shadows’, and is the reason for the rise in; ’sex; drugs; drink; rock & roll’ syndrome of today - this is a form of controlon these vulnerable souls who are not yet awake as to their true identities.
Others who are so aware, are being controlled via - financial constraints & Rules & Regulations, to bring them in line with this one God one religion scenario. Not everyone will remain with this understanding, and they will become as,’ outcasts’ - modern-day lepers if you like, and, in the same fashion as the earlier Christians - ‘thrown to the lions’.
But, this is what is known or as evolving from one level of understanding, and onward onto the next level - we find that; Yes! There ARE truly ET’s ‘out there’ - That; Yes! - They are coming to invade us in their droves - Who are they - but an advanced race who have evolved far beyond our present evolvement.
But, look at the whole picture for a few moments with me if you will - you will surely see that all is as it should be - that aside from fear itself; there is nothing to fear - that everything is in a state of movement (flux) and is doing so continuously - there is a ‘window of opportunity’ for those not bound up in fear to use this window, to evolve naturally - that your true God is ever within you for ALL Eternity; that you will never be apart from your God - and, yes! That God is truly a VERY PERSONAL God to you, and ever will be so; no matter what present day religion you maybe involved in - this is the true message from that aspect of life known of as ‘spiritualism’. ©Brenda Grubb 2009
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