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Since I was 14, I was lonely.
There was a sense of restlessness inside me. You know that weird kind of emptiness that is there no matter where you are. The one where you erroneously think if you move home, change job, get married, have children, win the lottery, go on holiday or even meditate, will go away.
I changed pretty much everything in my life yet the sense of loneliness remained. So for the next 20 years, I became the student of loneliness and started healing not only mine but thousands of people who beneath the smiles, carried deep loneliness that sometimes led them to over or under eat, take drugs, consume alcohol or stay in toxic relationships. It was the fear of being alone, that was mainly the reason behind stress, anxiety, depression and at times suicide.
Most people think that “money” is the root cause of all evil. Even though money is just a medium of exchange, people seem to blame their own shortcomings on to an energy that has no preference towards the rich or the poor.
I believe “loneliness” is the root cause of all evil. I have witnessed many people become irrational with money when they don’t want to feel lonely or insecure.
The saddest truth that I uncovered in my quest to understand loneliness is that most people are not even aware how lonely they truly are and keep following the same addiction or hurtful patterns that confirms their fear of being alone.
I realized that beneath the “fear of being alone” is a LIE. A lie that says, “no one cares.”
I don’t know about you, but I have lived my entire life with this thought that no one cared, even if I die. This had even led me to self harming thoughts and actions. Only when I was willing to heal my disappointments, hurts, regrets and bitterness from other people was I able to break down the thick walls in my heart. Walls that were there to protect me from being hurt, but at the same time isolating my heart from receiving any kind of care that my friends, family members and children were showering me with.
Only when I started to CARE for myself, was I able to feel the care of people around me. Then I started to feel their loneliness under the guise of anger, criticism and fear.
When you open up your CARE senses and start to experience people’s words instead of just listening to them, you will open up a connection with the intentions behind people’s words.
To my surprise, no matter what people’s words or actions were or are, generally beneath most malicious or rude behaviour is an intention screaming for Love but because we get caught up in what’s said and what’s not said we don’t hear the whispers of another’s soul.
These sort of interactions usually make us even more lonely due to the feeling of misunderstanding in communication which feeds the lie of no one caring.
Since 2016, I have been on a mission to eradicate loneliness through Connecting, Appreciating, Rejuvenating and Expanding (CARE) the consciousness of mind, body, spirit and emotions.
As a result of my research on Loneliness I discovered CARE as the solution to loneliness. I then decided to trade my loneliness with care.
Since then, I have been experiencing a deep sense of purpose in my life which has resulted in me forming a community of like minded people where all of us have a desire to trade our loneliness with CARE:
Care for our selves,
Care for our families,
Care for our jobs,
Care for our environment.
This caring space is called “School Of Awakening“- a unique online hub of consciousness that is purely formed on CARE.
The four pillars that build a bridge through the protection walls of the heart from the past and allow the purity of present to be felt with care.
If you are someone who would like to be in a caring environment where people care for each other enough to support each other in living a conscious life, a life where awareness of self leads to connection with self through connecting and caring for other people, I invite you to join me every Sundays at 7.30 pm (UK time) for FREE Conscious Upgrade Chats. During this time we upgrade our consciousness on our everyday challenges so we can find practical solutions for them. We also hold a sacred healing circle where people come together as a “healing team” and send healing to people, events, places, times and environments that we care the most about.
I would love to see how your life unfolds as you trade your loneliness with care and start allocating your time and space to care for your self and others.
May you allow the bridge of care to access your true heart’s desire. May you have the courage to accept the care that surrounds you.
Until next time,
Sidra Jafri
PS. Enjoy the following gift meditation process to dissolve all shackles around your heart and enhance your relationship with you and others.
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