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Hello and welcome to the Spirit Network Radio Show with your host, Mark Chatterton. Tonight we are pleased to welcome on the show, Angela Donovan, who is a well known psychic, spiritual mentor and broadcaster. Angela has worked with several well known figures over the years, including the radio 2 DJ, Johnny Walker; Psychic investigator, Jane Goldman, (who is also the wife of Jonathan Ross); and Hollywood actor, Johnny Depp. She is also the author of the books, “The Secrets of Psychic Success” and “The Hidden Oracle of India”. We are privileged to be talking to Angela tonight about her latest book, The Wish, which is soon to be published by Hodder & Stoughton. So welcome Angela.
Born one of a twin, Angela held an innate ability to communicate telepathically with her sister - something they both thought everyone could do! Her first ‘encounter’ came at the age of three when she was called by a beautiful ‘voice’, so beginning her spiritual journey and making her question everything that her upbringing and convent education would otherwise have blocked thereafter.
Like most young people she started out in the commercial world for a number of years whilst finding out where her true future lay, so early on she worked abroad teaching English en-famille, then acted as a head-hunter in London and Brussels before moving on to successfully set up and run a contract-catering business. After a failed marriage she became a financial broker and eventually became the MD of a corporate finance group for two major banks. Yet all through these years her spare time was taken up with her increasing talent in mediumship that found her using her skills working at fund-raising events for many charities. In 1991 it was thanks to her new husband’s support both emotionally and financially that gave her the opportunity to concentrate fully on her life’s spiritual mission.
Angela has now been a Spiritual Mentor for over 20 years, and in that time has benefited clients and even animals from all over the world whether individually, in groups and through numerous TV shows.
Her success derives from her powerful dynamic energy and her gift of extraordinary spiritual vision, both of which enable her to see way beyond any ‘problem’ she is faced with. With her positive, upbeat outlook she gives inspiration and sound guidance to all who meet her, leaving everyone with at least one crucial message that will make the greatest difference to their lives.
First of all Angela, I would like to ask you how did this all start for you? Have you always been psychic or was there one event in particular that triggered it all?
I know that India has been a big influence on you, and that your experiences with the Naadi palm-leaf readers led you to writing your book, “The Hidden Oracle of India”. Could you tell us a little about these people?
Your book, “The Secrets of Psychic Success” was very well received. In fact many teachers who help people to develop their psychic side, use it as their text book. Why do you think it was so successful?
“The Wish” is your new book, published next week. What led you to writing this?
Reading “The Wish” myself, as I understand it, “The Wish” isn’t just about one big wish, but lots of different wishes?
In “The Wish”, you talk about the Soul Test, which you carry out on your self, before you go on with “The Wish”. You say in “The Wish” that when you first discovered this technique, that it “Blew you away”. Why is the Soul Test so important?
The idea, of abundance is one the main themes in “The Wish”. There’s quite a few books out there, all talking about how to have more abundance in your life. What would you say makes “The Wish” any different than other similar books out there?
I know that many people listening to this interview will say that they have a lack of money in their lives – they are always struggling to make ends meet. Is it OK to make a Wish for money? Or is it wrong to want more money in your life?
I know you will be very busy over the next few months publicising “The Wish”, but do you have any plans to lead workshops on “The Wish”?
I see that you have recently been working with the Radio 2 DJ, Johnny Walker on a film about his Spiritual experiences. Are you able to tell us anything about that project?
On your website, you have a page all about 2011 and the Great Change. What message do you have for our listeners about what is going on in the World today?
One final question, I understand that apart form humans you also do a lot of psychic work with animals. Could you tell us how this works?
Angela Donovan’s website:-
The Wish website:-
The Wish can be bought form the following websites:
Hodder & Stoughton -
Amazon –
Cygnus –
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