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There are so many aspects of healing, and so many causes for disease and its outcome that we need to know them all and our own place in the process before taking part in any healing activity, whether it is orthodox medical practice, alternate healing or just prayer. Even then we must be careful who and what we pray for, and what we are really feeling and thinking.
Good health is the way of nature, the norm
The body takes care of itself in most circumstances. But as the result of accidents, exposure to pollution and toxins, bad habits like over-eating or other anomalies, we need extra help in healing with surgery, medication or a new way of living. Disease may be self-inflicted or the result of outside causes such as epidemics, viruses, accidents and environmental pollution as mentioned. It may belong to an earthbound spirit or spirits who obsess or possess the body of the patient with their own particular diseases or desires. If the "ghost" is thrown out permanently, even the most terminal of illnesses and strongest of addictions can seem to be miraculously cured. Those with intuitive ability to diagnose at a distance, or using clairvoyance in the presence of the patient are able to employ the right type of healing. Those of us who do not have such abilities, rather than send out unspecific energy are better employed by sending general prayers for healing, leaving it in the hands of God, the Divinity or the Great Spirit to apply the appropriate energy. The Spirit World can see clearly what is needed and will send the appropriate healing and perhaps select spirit surgeons to put matters right. The thing is for the patient, if aware that they are on a healing list (they don't have to be) and the healers, after directing their thoughts, to "let go and let God."
The absent healing process is a simple two-step procedure. First we focus on the patient, client or person needing healing. We may be asked by the person concerned or by a friend or family member, or their doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, counsellor or teacher on their behalf. We note the details - an illness, situation, mental condition, looking at "What Seems to BE" the trouble, the appearances or apparent situation. This is the first of the two questions asked by a Metapsychiatrist:- "What is the meaning of what seems to be ?" We use our own judgment, intuition, medical knowledge and other intellectual or clairvoyant abilities to size up the situation. It may be a physical condition, a mental or emotional one, or environmental influences from earlier in the life of the individual, including family history, past lives, or it may even be due to to influences of obessive or possessive earthbound spirits. Many a murder has taken place in this way, and some of the recent shooting sprees have been instigated by spirits possessing the unfortunate disturbed young men - unfortunate indeed for the victims, also.
Whatever powers we may have to help the client, we use them here,if we can
The next step is the answer to the Metapsychiatrists second question: "What really IS ?" The answer is invariably, whatever the problem, that the client or sick person is a child of God, who is ominiactive, pure, healthy, loving and living in the Light. So we hand the patient over to God, the Divinity, the Great Spirit, to be immersed in that light of love, peace and harmony. If needed, spirit doctors, surgeons and other helpers will come to assist in a healing, whether or not the patient is aware of the work being done.
So briefly, in this method of absent or distant healing, which is safe, even in cases of spirit possession. we pray to the individual, doing what we can, and then hand the matter over to God. This is the most responsible way of carrying out distand or absent healing, and it is effective not only for people, but for animals, plants, political situations and other family, business or environmental concerns. We don't just pray to God to intervene and put things right. We are here on earth to solve our own probnlems. Evil occurs because we have strayed from the love, harmony and light of God's perfection. But once we have taken responsibility for every situation and person, and cleared and cleaned up our OWN act, and that is all we can do, personally, in healing anyone, it is only then that we take the second step. We look to the Divinity, pray to God, and our guides and helpers, and hand the healing over to them, where there is peace, love, wholeness and harmony.
To be continued.
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