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A personal outlook on mediums and clairvoyance
Over the years, I have been thinking about what is the point of it all. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” so I have decided to look into things more and this is what I have concluded.
What does it mean to be a clairvoyant, medium, psychic, fortune teller.
Clairvoyance / (Clear Vision) comes in many forms, the ability gain information and see things beyond our normal senses in many ways through: (Feeling/Touching) – Clairsentience, (Hearing/Listening) – Clairaudience, (Smell) - Clairaleince & (Tasting) – Clairgustance.
Mediums - A person who provides a link between the physical world and the spiritual world.
How is this different to Psychic or Fortune Telling.
Psychic (Greek/Psych), A person uses the own intuitive ability or telepathy to see past the naked eye and read a person aura, body language and thought state to pull out information from that person. This can be a starting point before developing a clairvoyant link by using the energy link to do so.
Fortune Tellers can be psychic to, they will use an aid such as playing cards, tarot cards, crystal balls, runes, tea leafs and other to Predicted changes and events in a person’s life through their intuition and knowledge.
“Why the need for clairvoyance, mediums, psychics & fortune tellers”
A good Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant or Fortune Teller should never give you anything bad, even if they do see events. In my opinion if you give someone something bad that person can manifest that in being so. Most people will visit a fortune teller when they are at a cross roads in there life’s and want someone to give them advise, which almost certainly comes from themselves, but is brought to the surface with the aid of another.
I have constantly asked myself why do people go and see clairvoyant mediums, what do they get from this?
The reasons for many people are so that they can find closure, proof of life after death, keep in contact with loved ones, To not feel alone and be around like-minded people.
To find out more, I have followed a well-known medium from Bristol.
My Personal Does & Don’ts (Ethics)
Be True to yourself – There is really no point in making things up, you are just lying to yourself.
Give what you get - even if it’s the strangest of things, it will usually mean something to the person receiving it.
Ego – Please leave it at home, if I want to watch a comedian or actor I will go and see one. It’s not about you… You are just a vehicle for friends and loved ones to use to get their message across.
No when to stop! – This is something I feel strongly about, messages can become very personal to an individual and should not be used to cause offense or embarrassment in front of a congregation, keep it brief and ask if it’s okay to carry on. If it’s clear that the person doesn’t want to go there then please don’t.
Don’t sell out – Most TV and radio work is staged to entertain the people watching or listening to it, you will be forced into working the way the producers want you to for maximum effect. (Stay true to yourself) some papers, magazines also work like this.
Stay Safe – There’s a lot of what I call darkness and dabbling out there e.g. (ouigy boards and ghost hunting) everyone to their own really but for me, why would you want to bring more energy or hold energy in a place that has had terrible tragedy leave them in peace.
If it isn’t there then don’t give it - We all get tired and can loose the link or the link starts to become scattered. (We are only Human). It’s best just to tell the audience that things need to close as the link has become muddled.
Skeptics Right or Wrong
When there are so many people now claiming to be mediums of clairvoyance or having gifts but using them for personal gain, yes people have the right to question. I have seen quite a few mediums over the years and my personal opinion is that many of these have forgotten where they have come from and ego has taken over, it has become more about look what I can do, I can make you laugh or cry on demand to make me look good. It’s becoming an all about me show, which is a shame because some of these mediums have been on the circuit for a long time and since going into television have lost their gifts or guides and still continue to work because they are now in the public eye and feel the need to perform. My message to these is keep it true, don’t give in to your ego as you are creating a bad image for those who have so much good to give.
I would like to conclude that everyone has to find his or her own truth. I have been lucky to find this many times and have been lucky enough to have communication from past friends and relatives who always amaze me with what they have to say.
I was brought up to be a catholic and ended up hating anything remotely religious, I didn’t go looking for my spiritual path it found me, I am still anti commandments or rules in any religious path.
Every religion has a piece of it that I can relate too, but as long as you can love and life with yourself and shows kindness to all human and animal kind, then that’s all you should need.
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