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Mrs. Clara Ashcraft is 78 years old. She attends, the elderly day care where I work as a physical, therapist.
She suffers from different ailments. She, is obese, has arthritis , diabetes , and chronic, obstructive pulmonary dysfunction which makes her, breathing heavy at times. She sits in her chair all the, time, approximately 6 hours a day. She is wheeled to, the bathroom by our nurse assistants where she, stands to transfer to the toilet. Mrs. Ashcraft can, walk short distances with difficulty. Her knees, her, back, and her arms hurt when she walks more than 2, minutes at a very slow pace. I have to use tons of, “cheering” in order to get her to stand up and to, walk. She often refuses the physical therapy that, would be so beneficial to her. Once in
a while, I am, successful in getting her up and walking close to two, hundred feet. She consistently complains and asks, the Lord to help: “Oh Lord, help me”, she says over, and over., I met Vanessa Anseloni for the first time when I, was in Baltimore attending the Event that celebrated, 150 years of The Spirits' Book. She mentioned how, the use of the patient’s belief system in medicine has, positive results in recovery. I decided to integrate, spiritual conversations into my treatment strategies., The last time I approached Mrs. Ashcraft, her, response was the same “not today, I don’t feel too, well.” I took the occasion to remind her that with, the Lord we can do anything that we want and that, He would certainly help her. I asked her if she, considered herself a person of faith to which she, replied with a “yes.” So I asked her how she was, using her faith and if she was using it at all. How good, is it to have a faith and not use it when you need it, the most? This is the time to use your faith. The Lord, will help you but he needs you to do your part. She, replied to my comment with an enthusiastic yes. She, got up and walked for 3 minutes without complaining., Not only did she do that, but she got up later in that, afternoon and walked for a second time.,
The gist of our story is that faith removes, mountains. In this case, the mountain was Mrs., Ashcraft’s lack of motivation and her cluster of, diseases. When we ask for help, our prayers will, always be answered but do not forget that God helps, those who help themselves – but not those who limit, their actions to asking for help. Now ask yourself:, what comprises your mountain? How strong is your, faith? And finally, are you helping yourself?,
by Suzana Simoes, (Conscious Living Spiritist Group-FL)
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